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时间:2011-11-26 15:44来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空

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2.2 Learning
Measurements of learning can be divided into two categories: (i) those assessing knowledge acquired, and (ii) those assessing attitude, or attitude change.
Measuring acquisition of knowledge has limited effectiveness in that a person can be knowledgeable about a subject but not agree with its aims, or adopt its principles in practice. CRM is a subject which does not lend itself readily to formal assessment of knowledge acquisition (i.e. examination/ testing, especially multiple choice tests) since many of its elements doe not have clear cut answers (e.g. definition of situation awareness).
Attitude measures are probably more useful as indicators of whether CRM training is likely to be effective, in particular if they are measures of attitude change prior to and post CRM training. However, one should be wary of assuming that apparent attitude changes immediately after training, will survive longer term, or, indeed, result in actual behavioural changes.

2.3 Behaviour
This is the most important measure as far as effectivenes of CRM training is concerned, but also the most difficult to measure. In order for CRM training to have a positive effect on behaviour, as opposed to just increasing knowledge of human factors and attitude, the following criteria must be met:
The participants must have a desire to change;

The participants must know what and how to make the change;

The organisational climate must be conducive to change.

In addition, it helps if there is some reward for bahavioural change (e.g. positive feedback, passing line checks).

2.4 Organisation
Few operators have been able to successfully measure CRM effectiveness at an organisational level. Many have tried, particularly to justify the cost of CRM training and measure return on investment (ROI). However, it is difficult to isolate just one factor, such as CRM training, in a constantly changing environment such as aviation, in order to prove a direct link between safety improvements and CRM. Mention has already been made of the problems of using incident and accident data as measures of effectiveness. However, it is possible to use incident data as an indicator of CRM training effectiveness, if used appropriately (e.g. British Airways BASIS Human Factors Reporting system).
Table 1 summarises the results from a study carried out by Aberdeen University into methods used by UK Operators to assess CRM effectivess.
Table 1 Methods used by UK Operators to assess CRM effectivess (based on 113 UK Operators
Evaluation method  % of respondents using this method 
reaction sheet  26 
oral feedback/ debriefing  74 
company specific attitude questionnaire  13 
cockpit/ flight management attitude questionnaire (CMAQ/FMAQ)  8 
other (informal oral feedback)  79 
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