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时间:2011-04-02 23:28来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空
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 5) DAA/FMC NO. 2 DC
 6) IRS NO. 2 DC

P18 Circuit Breaker Panel
 1) DAA/FMC 1 - AC
 2) DAA/IRS 1 - AC
 3) IRS 1 - AC
 4) DAA 1 - DC
 5) DAA/FMC 1 - DC
 6) IRS 1 - DC


 EFFECTIVITYùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùù. ú


 ALL  ú ú 01 Page 403 ú Nov 15/96
BOEING PROPRIETARY - Copyright (C) - Unpublished Work - See title page for details.
 (4)  S 864-003Supply electrical power (AMM 24-22-00/201).
 (5)  S 864-004Set the two switches on the IRS MSU to the ALIGN position.
 (6)  S 764-017Do a test of the IRS MCU from the inertial system display unit (ISDU) as follows: (a) Set the SYS DSPL switch on the ISDU to the L (left) position. (b) Hold the DSPL SEL switch in the TEST position. (c) Make sure that the captain's IRS master caution light comes on for two seconds.
 NOTE:____ You can find this light on the captain's side of the pilot's lightshield.
 (d) (e) (f) (g)  Release the DSPL SEL switch.Set the SYS DSPL switch on the ISDU to the R (right) position.Hold the DSPL SEL switch in the TEST position.Make sure that the first officer's IRS master caution light comes on for two seconds.
 NOTE:____ You can find this light on the first officer's side of the pilot's lightshield.
 (h)  Release the DSPL SEL switch.
 (7)  S 864-006Set the two switches on the IRS MSU to the OFF position.
 (8)  S 864-007Remove electrical power if it is not necessary (AMM 24-22-00/201).

 EFFECTIVITYùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùù. ú


 ALL  ú ú 01 Page 404 ú Nov 15/96
BOEING PROPRIETARY - Copyright (C) - Unpublished Work - See title page for details.
 1.  General_______
 A.  This procedure contains two tasks. The first task is for the removal of an attitude director indicator (ADI). The second task is for the installation of an attitude direction indicator.
 B.  One attitude direction indicator (N25) is installed on the captain's instrument panel P1. The other attitude direction indicator (N26) is installed on the first officer's instrument panel P3.
 C.  Only one attitude direction indicator must be removed at a time. When you install an attitude direction indicator, align the inclinometer with the inclinometer of the other attitude direction indicator.
 D.  If one of the two conditions that follows occurs, then the airplane must be leveled. After the airplane is leveled, the inclinometers of the attitude direction indicators are adjusted to a middle position.
The two attitude direction indicators are removed at the same time.

The inclinometer adjustments on the two attitude direction indicators are not correct.

 TASK 34-28-61-004-001
 2.  Remove the Attitude Direction Indicator_______________________________________
 A.  Access
 (1)  Location Zones
 101 Control Cabin - Left
 102 Control Cabin - Right

 B.  Procedure
 S 864-002
 (1) Open these circuit breakers and attach DO-NOT-CLOSE tags:
P6-1 Electronic System First Officer Panel 1) ADI 2) CAPT ADI (ALT)

P18-2 Electronic System Captain Panel 1) ADI 2) F/O ADI (ALT)

P41 P1 And P2 5V Lighting
 1) 5V AC SEC

P42 P3 5V lighting
 1) 5V AC SEC


 EFFECTIVITYùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùù. AIRPLANES WITHOUT EFIS ú

 ú ú 02 Page 401 ú Jul 15/97

BOEING PROPRIETARY - Copyright (C) - Unpublished Work - See title page for details.
 S 024-003
 (2)  Do these steps to remove an attitude direction indicator.
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