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时间:2011-04-02 23:28来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空
曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者

AIRPLANES WITH AUX VHF NAV SYSTEMS; do the steps that follow: 1) Hold the TEST switch on the captain's VHF NAV control panel

 in the CAPT ON AUX position.
 2)  Apply 1 dot UP and 1 dot LEFT signals from the NAV 401L test set. a) Make sure the LOC and GS annunciator lights are off. b) Make sure the NAV and GS flags on the two HSI's are out
 of view. 3) Hold the TEST switch on the captain's VHF NAV control panel in the UP-LEFT position.
 4)  Decrease the glide slope deviation signal from the test set to zero. a) Make sure the GS annunciator lights come on at
 approximately 1/4 dot UP deviation.
 b) Make sure the GS flags are out of view.

 (o)  AIRPLANES WITH AUF VHF NAV SYSTEMS; do the steps that follow: 1) Hold the TEST switch on the first officer's VHF NAV control
 panel in the F/O ON AUX position.
 2)  Apply 1 dot UP and 1 dot LEFT signals from the NAV 401L test set. a) Make sure the LOC and GS annunciator lights are off. b) Make sure the NAV and GS flags on the two HSI's are out
 of view. 3) Hold the TEST switch on the first officer's VHF NAV control panel in the UP-LEFT position.
 4)  Decrease the glide slope deviation signal from the test set to zero. a) Make sure the GS annunciator lights come on at
 approximately 1/4 dot UP deviation.
 b) Make sure the GS flags are out of view.

 S 725-029
 (6)  Perform Radio Altimeter (ALT) Comparison Test
Set APP mode on the autopilot.

Set the two radio altimeters to 550 |10 feet. 1) Make sure the radio altimeter flags go out of view.

 EFFECTIVITYùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùù. AIRPLANES WITHOUT EFIS ú

 ú ú 02 Page 507 ú Nov 15/91

BOEING PROPRIETARY - Copyright (C) - Unpublished Work - See title page for details.
 2) Make sure the comparator ALT light goes off.
Increase the altitude of the No. 1 radio altimeter to 640 |20 feet. 1) Make sure the ALT light comes on.

Set the autopilot to HDG SEL mode again.
 1) Make sure the ALT light goes out.

Set the two radio altimeters to 450 |10 feet and select the APP mode on autopilot. 1) Make sure the ALT light stays off.

Decrease the No. 2 radio altimeter to 400 |20 feet. 1) Make sure the ALT light comes on.

 E. Put the Airplane Back to Its Usual Condition
 S 865-030
Set the VOR/ILS system back to its usual condition and disconnect the signal generator (AMM 34-31-00/501).

 S 865-031

Set the radio altitude back to its usual condition and disconnect the test simulator (AMM 34-48-00/501).

Remove electrical power if it is not necessary (AMM 24-22-00/201).

 S 865-032
 EFFECTIVITYùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùù. AIRPLANES WITHOUT EFIS ú


 ú ú 03 Page 508 ú Mar 15/96
BOEING PROPRIETARY - Copyright (C) - Unpublished Work - See title page for details.
 1.  General_______
 A.  This procedure has two tasks. The first task removes the comparator monitor unit, and the second task installs the comparator monitor unit.
 B.  The comparator monitor unit is installed on the E3-4 shelf of the main equipment center.
 C.  Electrical connections are at the rear of the unit.
 TASK 34-29-11-004-001
 2.  Comparator Monitor Unit Removal_______________________________
 A.  References
 (1)  AMM 20-10-07/201, E/E Rack-Mounted Components
 B.  Access
 (1)  Location Zone
 205 Electronic Compartment

 C.  Procedure
 S 864-003
Open these circuit breakers and attach DO-NOT-CLOSE tags:

 (a)  P6 Circuit Breaker Panel

Remove the comparator monitor unit (AMM 20-10-07/201).
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本文链接地址:737-300 400 500 AMM 飞机维护手册 导航 NAVIGATION 2(115)