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时间:2011-04-02 23:28来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空
曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者

 2 The narrow pointer flags on the two RDDMIs come into_ view.
 (f) (g)  Release the VOR test switch.Set the controls on the DFCS mode select panel as follows: 1) Course counter - Airplane heading that shows on the compass
 a) Make sure the course arrow on the two HSIs agree with the course counter.
 (h)  Set a frequency of 108.1 Mhz on the No. 1 VHF NAV control panel. 1) Make sure the RUNWAY flag, the GS flag, and the glide slope pointer show on the captain's ADI.

 EFFECTIVITYùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùù. AIRPLANES WITHOUT EFIS ú

 ú ú 02 Page 503 ú Jul 15/94

BOEING PROPRIETARY - Copyright (C) - Unpublished Work - See title page for details.


 2) Make sure the to-from pointer on the captain's HSI is out of view. 3) Make sure the navigation warning flag shows on the captain's HSI. 4) Make sure the VERT flag and the glide slope pointer show on the captain's HSI. 5) Make sure the narrow pointers on the two RDDMIs are at the
 3 o'clock position. 6) Make sure the pointer flags show on the two RDDMIs.Hold the UP/LT test switch on the No. 1 VHF NAV control panel in the UP/LT position. 1) Make sure this sequence occurs:
 a)  These indications occur for approximately three
 1 The GS flag and the RUNWAY flag show on the

_ captain's ADI. 2 The navigation warning flag and the VERT flag show
 on the captain's HSI.

 b)  These indications occur after approximately three seconds. 1 The GS flag and the RUNWAY flag on the captain's ADI
_ go out of view. 2 The navigation warning flag and the VERT flag on the
_ captain's HSI go out of view. 3 The course deviation bar on the captain's HSI moves
_ one dot in the left direction. 4 The runway symbol on the captain's ADI moves one dot
_ in the left direction. 5 The glide slope pointers on the captain's HSI move
_ one dot in the up direction. 6 The glide slope pointers on the captain's ADI move
_ one dot in the up direction. c) These indications occur after approximately 23 seconds. 1 The GS flag and the RUNWAY flag on the captain's ADI
_ come into view. 2 The navigation warning flag and the VERT flag on the

 captain's HSI come into view.Release the UP/LT test switch.Hold the DN/RT test switch on the No. 1 VHF NAV control panel in the DN/RT position. 1) Make sure this sequence occurs:
 a)  These indications occur for approximately three
 1 The GS flag and the RUNWAY flag show on the

_ captain's ADI. 2 The navigation warning flag and the VERT flag show
 on the captain's HSI.

 b)  These indications occur after approximately three seconds. 1 The GS flag and the RUNWAY flag on the captain's ADI
 go out of view.

 EFFECTIVITYùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùù. AIRPLANES WITHOUT EFIS ú


 ú ú 02 Page 504 ú Jul 15/94
BOEING PROPRIETARY - Copyright (C) - Unpublished Work - See title page for details.
 2 The navigation warning flag and the VERT flag on the
_ captain's HSI go out of view. 3 The course deviation bar on the captain's HSI moves
_ one dot in the right direction. 4 The runway symbol on the captain's ADI moves one dot
_ in the right direction. 5 The glide slope pointers on the captain's HSI move
_ one dot in the down direction. 6 The glide slope pointers on the captain's ADI move
_ one dot in the down direction. c) These indications occur after approximately 23 seconds. 1 The GS flag and the LOC flag on the captain's ADI
_ come into view. 2 The navigation warning flag and the VERT flag on the
_ captain's HSI come into view.
Release the DN/RT test switch.

Put the digital flight control system in the approach mode (AMM 22-11-00/501). 1) Make sure that you cannot start the VOR/ILS self-tests from

 the No. 1 VHF NAV control panel.

Put the digital flight control system in the heading select mode (AMM 22-11-00/501).

 F.  Self-Test for System No. 2
 S 715-012
 (1)  Do the self-test for system No. 2:
中国航空网 www.aero.cn
航空翻译 www.aviation.cn
本文链接地址:737-300 400 500 AMM 飞机维护手册 导航 NAVIGATION 2(139)