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时间:2011-08-13 12:47来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空
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TERMINAL-VERY HIGH FREQUENCY OMNIDIRECTIONAL RANGE STATION [TVOR] - A Very High Frequency terminal omnirange station located on or near an airport and used as an approach aid. (See Navigational Aids) (See VOR)
TERRAIN FOLLOWING/TF - The flight of a military aircraft maintaining a constant above ground level altitude above the terrain or the highest obstruction. The altitude of the aircraft will constantly change with the varying terrain and/or obstruction.
TETRAHEDRON - A device normally located on uncontrolled airports and used as a landing direction indicator. The small end of a tetrahedron points in the direction of landing. At controlled airports, the tetrahedron, if installed, should be disregarded because tower instructions supersede the indicator. (See Segmented Circle)
THAT IS CORRECT - The understanding you have is right.
THRESHOLD - The beginning of that portion of the runway usable for landing. (See Airport Lighting, Displaced Threshold)
THRESHOLD CROSSING HEIGHT/TCH - The theoretical height above the runway threshold at which the aircraft's glide slope antenna would be if the aircraft maintains the trajectory established by the mean Instrument Landing System glide slope or Microwave Landing System glide path. (See Glideslope/Glidepath, Threshold).
THRESHOLD LIGHTS - (See Airport Lighting)
THUNDERSTORM INTENSITY LEVELS - (See Radar Weather Echo Intensity Levels)
TIME GROUP - Four digits representing the hour and minutes from the 24 hour clock. Time group without time zone indicators are understood to be Coordinated Universal Time (UTC); e.g., "0205". The term "Zulu" is used when Air Traffic Control procedures require a reference to Coordinated Universal Time. A time zone designator is used to indicate local time, e.g., "0205M". The end and beginning of the day are shown by "2400" and "0000", respectively.
TORCHING - The burning of fuel at the end of an exhaust pipe or stack of a reciprocating aircraft engine, the result of an excessive richness in the fuel air mixture.
TOTAL ESTIMATED ELAPSED TIME/TOTAL EET (ICAO) - For IFR flights, the estimated time required from take-off to arrive over that designated point, defined by reference to navigation aids, from which it is intended that an instrument approach procedure will be commenced, or if no navigation aid is associated with the destination aerodrome, to arrive over the destination aerodrome. For VFR flights, the estimated time required from take-off to arrive over the destination aerodrome (for use in international flight planning). (See Estimated Elapsed Time).
TOUCH AND GO/TOUCH AND GO LANDING - An operation by an aircraft that lands and departs on a runway without stopping or exiting the runway.
The point at which an aircraft first makes contact with the landing surface.

Concerning a precision radar approach (PAR), it is the point where the glide path intercepts the landing surface.

TOUCH-DOWN (JCS, NATO) -The contact, or moment of contact, of an aircraft or spacecraft with the landing surface.
TOUCHDOWN (ICAO) -The point where the nominal glide path intercepts the runway.
NOTE-touchdown as defined above is only a datum and is not necessarily the actual point at which the aircraft will touch the runway.
TOUCHDOWN RVR - (See Visibility)
TOUCHDOWN ZONE (P/CG) -The first 3,000 feet of the runway beginning at the threshold. The area is used for determination of Touchdown Zone Elevation in the development of straight-in landing minimums for instrument approaches.
FOR FIXED WING AIRCRAFT - The first 3,000 feet or 1,000 meters of runway beginning at the threshold.

FOR ROTARY WINGS AND VECTORED THRUST AIRCRAFT - That portion of the helicopter landing area or runway used for landing.

TOUCHDOWN ZONE (ICAO) - The portion of a runway, beyond the threshold, where it is intended landing aircraft first contact the runway.
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