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时间:2011-08-13 12:47来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空
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Use the service category designator letter, plus the number code and the honors code letter, to indicate branch of service, highest rank/grade aboard and honors desired (for national and international flights). The name of the highest VIP may be included immediately following the code at the VIP's discretion. (Item 13)

Designator Letter  Service Category 

A  Air Force 
R  Army 
C  Coast Guard 
M  Marine Corps 
V  Navy 
S  Civilian 
F  Foreign Civilian or Military 

Code Number to use to indicate the following VIP's
1 - The President of the United States
- Heads of State of Foreign Countries and Reigning Royalty
2 - The Vice President of the United States
 Governor of a State in his own State

 Speaker of the House of Representative

 Chief Justice of the United States

 Former Presidents of the United States

 The Secretary of State

 Secretary General of the United Nations

 Ambassadors of Foreign Powers

 Widows of Former Presidents

 Associate Justices of the Supreme Court

 The Cabinet:

 Secretary of the Treasury

 Secretary of Defense

 The Attorney General

 Secretary of the Interior

 Secretary of Agriculture

 Secretary of Commerce

 Secretary of Labor

 Secretary of Health and Welfare

 Secretary of Homeland Security

 Secretary of Housing and Urban Development

 Secretary of Transportation

 Secretary of Energy

 Secretary of Education

 Secretary of Veterans Affairs


 United States Representative to the United Nations

 Director, Office of Management and Budget

 Chairman, Council of Economic Advisors

- United States Trade Representative 3 - Special Assistants to the President
- United States Senators (By Seniority of Senate Service or  - Governors of Guam and the Virgin Islands 
Alphabetical when Seniority Is Equal)  - Assistant Secretaries of the Executive Departments, 
- Governors of States When Not in Their Own States (By  Assistant Secretaries of Defense, General Counsel of the 
State Entry into the Union)  Department of Defense, and Advisor to the Secretary and 
- Former Vice Presidents of the United States  Deputy Secretary of Defense for NATO Affairs (By Date of 
- Members of the House of Representatives of the United  Appointment) 
States (By Seniority of House Service or Alphabetical  - The Chief of Protocol 
when Seniority Is Equal)  - Deputy Administrator for NASA, Deputy Director for CIA, 
- Governor of Puerto Rico  and Deputy Director, Arms Control and Disarmament 
- Counselor and Assistants to the President and the  - Comptroller General of the United States 
Presidential Press Secretary  - Deputy Assistants to the President 
- Charges d'Affaires of Foreign Powers  - Judges, Military Court of Appeals 
- Former Secretaries of State  - Members of the Council of Economic Advisors 
- The Deputy Secretaries and Under Secretaries (Deputy  - Active or Designate U.S. Ambassadors and Ministers (Career 
Secretary Equivalent of the Executive Departments)  Rank When in the United States) 
- Administrator, Agency for International Development  - Mayor of the District of Columbia 
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