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时间:2011-08-13 12:47来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空
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GRADU - Used if the change is expected to take place at a fairly constant rate throughout the forecast period, or during a specified part thereof.

RAPID - Used instead of GRADU when the change is expected to take place during a period lasting less than half an hour.

TEMPO - Used if the change is expected to last for a period of less than one hour and take place infrequently enough for a prevailing condition to remain those of the report.

INTER - Used if the change is expected to occur frequently for short periods of time, fluctuating almost constantly between those in the report or those in the preceding part of the forecast, and those in the forecast itself.

TEND - Used if none of the above terms apply. It should not be used if some other indicator has already appeared in the preceding part.

LANDING MINIMUMS/IFR LANDING MINIMUMS - The minimum visibility prescribed for landing a civil aircraft while using an instrument approach procedure. The minimum applies with other limitations set forth in Federal Air Regulations Part 91, with respect to the Minimum Descent Altitude (MDA) or Decision Height (DH) prescribed in the Instrument Approach Procedures as follows:

STRAIGHT-IN LANDING MINIMUMS - A statement of Minimum Descent Altitude and visibility, or Decision Height and visibility, required for straight-in landing on a specified runway; or

CIRCLING MINIMUMS - A statement of Minimum Descent Altitude and visibility required for the circle-to-land maneuver.

Descent below the established Minimum Descent Altitude or

Decision Height is not authorized during an approach unless the
aircraft is in a position from which a normal approach to the runway
of intended landing can be made, and adequate visual reference to
required visual cues is maintained. (See Straight-in Landing, Circle-to-Land Maneuver, Decision Height, Minimum Descent Altitude,
Visibility, Instrument Approach Procedure) (Refer to Federal Air
Regulations Part 91)

LANDING ROLL - The distance from the point of touchdown to the
point where the aircraft can be brought to a stop, or exit the

LANDING SEQUENCE - The order in which aircraft are positioned
for landing. (See Approach Sequence)

LANDING/TAKEOFF AREA - Any locality either on land, water, or
structures, including airports/heliports and intermediate landing
fields, which is used, or intended to be used, for the landing and
take-off of aircraft whether or not facilities are provided for the
shelter, servicing, or for receiving or discharging passengers or
cargo. (See Landing Area)

LAST ASSIGNED ALTITUDE - The last altitude/Flight Level
assigned by Air Traffic Control and acknowledged by the pilot.
(See Maintain) (Refer to Federal Air Regulations Part 91)

LATERAL SEPARATION (P/CG) - The lateral spacing of aircraft at
the same altitude by requiring operation on different routes or in
different geographical locations. (See Separation)

LATERAL SEPARATION (ICAO) - Separation between aircraft
expressed in terms of distance or angular displacement between

LIGHTED AIRPORT - An airport where runway and obstruction
lighting is available. (See Airport Lighting)

LIGHT GUN - A handheld directional light signaling device which
emits a brilliant narrow beam of white, green, or red light as
selected by the tower controller. The color and type of light
transmitted can be used to approve or disapprove anticipated
pilot actions where radio communications is not available. The light
gun is used for controlling traffic operating in the vicinity of the
airport and on the airport movement area.

LINE UP [AND WAIT] (ICAO) - Clearance to enter runway and await
take-off clearance.
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