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时间:2011-08-13 12:47来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空
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When operating in VFR conditions with an Air Traffic Control authorization to "MAINTAIN VFR ON TOP/MAINTAIN VFR CONDITIONS" pilots on IFR flight plans must:

Fly at the appropriate VFR altitude.

Comply with basic VFR weather minimums.


Comply with IFR that are applicable to this flight (i.e., min IFR altitudes, position reporting, radio communications, course to be flown, adherence to Air Traffic Control clearance, etc.).

NOTE: Pilots should advise Air Traffic Control prior to any altitude change to ensure the exchange of accurate traffic information.

Air Traffic Control authorization to "MAINTAIN VFR ON TOP" is not intended to restrict pilots so that they must operate only above an obscuring Meteorological formation (layer). Instead, it permits operation above, below, between layers or in areas where there is no Meteorological obscuration. It is imperative, however, that pilots understand that clearance to operating "VFR ON TOP/VFR CONDITIONS" does not imply cancellation of the IFR flight plan.

Pilots operating VFR ON TOP/VFR CONDITIONS, may receive traffic information, from Air Traffic Control, on other pertinent IFR or VFR aircraft. However, aircraft operating in Terminal Control Areas/Terminal Radar Service Areas shall be separated by normal Air Traffic Control separation.

NOTE - When operating in VFR weather conditions, it is the pilot's responsibility to be vigilant so as to see and avoid other aircraft.

Air Traffic Control will not authorize VFR or VFR ON TOP Operations in Positive Control Area's.

COMBINATION CLEARANCES - Clearances issued when a flight plan indicated IFR for the first portion of flight and VFR for the latter portion will normally clear an aircraft to the point at which the change is proposed. Once the pilot has reported over the clearance limit and does not desire IFR clearance, he should advise Air Traffic Control to cancel the IFR portion of his flight plan. Further clearance will not be necessary for VFR flight beyond that point. If the pilot desires to continue his IFR flight plan beyond the clearance limit, he should contact Air Traffic Control at least 5 minutes prior to the clearance limit and request further IFR clearance.  If the requested clearance is not received prior to reaching the clearance limit fix, the pilot will be expected to hold.


Pilots of airborne aircraft should read back those parts of Air Traffic Control clearances which contain altitude assignments/restrictions or Radar vectors, as a means of mutual verification. The readback should be made in the same sequence in which it was received and should be preceded by the aircraft identification. However, the readback of a clearance need not be verbatim.

After receiving a revised altitude clearance, include the newly assigned altitude/Flight Level when reporting vacating the previously assigned altitude/Flight Level, e.g., "PACER 82, leaving FL240 for one six thousand." In addition, if the clearance includes an altitude restriction at some fix/facility, include that altitude and the fix/facility at which it applies in the report.

"CLEARANCE READBACK" - There is no requirement for pilots to readback Air Traffic Control clearances;


however, pilots should clarify any portion of clearance that is not completely understood. In addition, controllers may request pilots to readback any clearance.
k. APPROACH CLEARANCES - When necessary, approach clearances will specify that the pilot execute a particular instrument approach. However, Air Traffic Control may delete this procedure when it wants to indicate to the pilot that he may execute an instrument approach of his choice. The first aircraft estimated over the fix from which the approach is commenced will be the first to receive an approach clearance, followed by other aircraft in order of their Estimated or Actual Time of Arrival over the fix. If visual contact with the ground is made before the approach is completed, the complete approach procedure will be followed unless the pilot receives approval for a VFR approach or cancels his IFR Flight plan.
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