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时间:2011-08-13 12:47来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空
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8-9 OPERATIONS IN FOREIGN AIR DEFENSE IDENTIFICATION ZONES (ADIZ) -Procedures applicable to United States military
aircraft penetrating a foreign ADIZ on a flight plan or intending to penetrate the sovereign airspace of the ADIZ country are published in Section C of the DoD Enroute Supplements. Military aircraft transiting through a foreign ADIZ without intending to penetrate foreign sovereign airspace are not required to follow these procedures. For operations near the national territory of Russia or in proximity to Russian military forces, consult paragraph 7-13, Prevention of Dangerous Military Activities Between the US and Russia.
8-10 PROCEDURES FOR MISSILE/PROJECTILE FIRINGS -Firing areas shall be selected so that trajectories are clear of established oceanic air routes or areas of known surface or air activity. An exception to this operating procedure may be made when it can be ascertained that aircraft are operating above the maximum ordinate of the trajectory.

Details of classified operations shall not be divulged to unauthorized personnel.

In the event of combat operations in time of war, armed conflict, national emergency, situations requiring self- defense, or similar military contingencies, departure from the operating procedures in this chapter may be required. In all such instances, however, all possible precautions shall be taken to minimize any hazard to the safety of other air and surface traffic and departure from procedures set forth in this chapter shall be of no greater extent or duration than is required to meet the contingency.

The United States-Commonwealth of Independent States agreement (refer to paragraph 7-12) shall govern United States aircraft approaching aircraft and ships of Commonwealth of Independent States registry operating on and over the high seas.


GENERAL - The information in the following paragraphs has been contracted from the agreement between the United States and Commonwealth of Independent States "Prevention of Incidents On and Over the High Seas" dated 25 May 1972 - and the protocol to this agreement dated 22 May 1973.

Definitions - (as used in the United States- Commonwealth of Independent States Agreement).

(1) "Ship" means:
(a) A warship belonging to the naval forces of the United States or Commonwealth of Independent States bearing the external marks distinguishing warships of its nationality, under the command of an officer duly commissioned by the government and whose name appears in the Navy list, and manned by a crew who are under the regular naval discipline.
Naval auxiliaries of the United States or Commonwealth of Independent States, which include all naval ships authorized to fly the naval auxiliary flag where such a flag has been established by either the United States or Commonwealth of Independent States.

"Aircraft" means all military manned heavier-than-air and lighter-than-air aircraft, excluding space craft.

"Formation" means an ordered arrangement of two or more ships proceeding together and normally maneuvered together.

Approaching Commonwealth of Independent States aircraft and/or ships: Commanders of United States aircraft shall use the greatest caution and prudence in approaching aircraft and ships of the Commonwealth of Independent States operating on and over the high seas, in particular, ships engaged in launching or landing aircraft, and in the interest of mutual safety shall not permit simulated attacks by the simulated use of weapons against aircraft and ships, or performance of various aerobatics over ships, or dropping various objects near them in such a manner as to be hazardous to ships or to constitute a hazard to navigation.

SIMULATED ATTACKS - Ships and aircraft of the United States shall not make simulated attacks by aiming guns, missile launchers, torpedo tubes and other weapons at non-military ships of the Commonwealth of Independent States nor launch nor drop any objects near non-military ships of the Commonwealth of Independent States in such a manner as to be hazardous to these ships or to constitute a hazard to navigation.
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