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时间:2011-08-13 12:47来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空
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(a) ASDE-X - The ASDE-X - provides seamless surveillance and aircraft identification to air traffic controllers. The system uses a combination of surface movement radar, transponder multilateration and Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast (ADS-B) sensors to display aircraft and vehicle positions on the airport surfaces, as well as of aircraft flying within five miles of the airport. The system provides improved surveillance information to tower personnel, who see this information presented as a color display of aircraft and vehicle positions overlaid on a map of the airport’s runways/taxiways and approach corridors.
AIRPORT SURVEILLANCE RADAR/ASR - Approach control radar used to detect and display an aircraft position in the terminal area. ASR provides range and azimuth information but does not provide elevation data. Coverage of the ASR can extend up to 60 miles.
AIRPORT TRAFFIC CONTROL SERVICE - A service provided by a control tower for aircraft operating on the movement area and in the vicinity of an airport. (See Movement Area, Tower)
AIR ROUTE SURVEILLANCE RADAR/ARSR - Air Route Traffic Control Center (ARTCC) radar, used primarily to detect and display an aircraft position while enroute between terminal areas. The ARSR enables controllers to provide radar Air Traffic Control service when aircraft are within the ARSR coverage. In some instances, ARSR may enable an ARTCC to provide terminal radar services similar to, but usually more limited, than those provided by a radar approach control.
AIR ROUTE TRAFFIC CONTROL CENTER/ARTCC - A facility established to provide Air Traffic Control service to aircraft operating on IFR flight plans within controlled airspace and principally during the enroute phase of flight. When equipment capabilities and controller workload permit, certain advisory/assistance services may be provided to VFR aircraft. (See NAS Stage A, Enroute Air Traffic Control Service)
AIRSPACE HIERARCHY (P/CG) - Within airspace classes, there is a hierarchy and, in the event of an overlap of airspace: Class A preempts Class B, Class B preempts Class C, Class C preempts Class D, Class D preempts Class E, and Class E preempts Class G.
AIRSPEED - The speed of an aircraft relative to its surrounding air mass. The unqualified term  "airspeed" means one of the following:
INDICATED AIRSPEED - The speed shown on the aircraft airspeed indicator. This is the speed used in pilot/controller communications under the general term “airspeed”. (Refer to Federal Air Regulations Part 1)

TRUE AIRSPEED - The airspeed of an aircraft relative to undisturbed air. Used primarily in flight planning and narrate portion of flight. When used in pilot/controller communications, it is referred to as “true airspeed” and not shortened to “airspeed”.

AIRSTART - The starting of an aircraft engine while the aircraft is airborne, preceded by engine shutdown during training flight or by actual engine failure.
AIR TAXI - Used to describe a helicopter/VTOL aircraft movement conducted above the surface but normally not above 100 feet above ground level. The aircraft may proceed either via hover taxi or flight at speeds more than 20 knots. The pilot is solely responsible for selecting a safe airspeed/altitude for the operation being conducted. (See Hover Taxi) (Refer to 7110.65-972)
AIR TRAFFIC (P/CG) - Aircraft operating in the air or on an airport surface, exclusive of loading ramps and parking areas.
AIR TRAFFIC (ICAO) - All aircraft in flight or operating on the maneuvering area of an aerodrome.
AIR TRAFFIC ADVISORY SERVICE (ICAO) - A service provided within advisory airspace to ensure separation, in so far as possible, between aircraft which are operating on IFR flight plans.
AIR TRAFFIC CLEARANCE/AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL CLEARANCE - An authorization by Air Traffic Control, for the purpose of preventing collision between known aircraft, for an aircraft to proceed under specified traffic conditions within controlled airspace. (See Air Traffic Control Instructions)
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