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时间:2011-08-13 12:47来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空
曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者

The issuance of a safety alert is contingent upon the capability of the controller to have an awareness of an unsafe condition. The course of action provided will be predicated on other traffic under Air Traffic Control's control. Once the advisory is issued, it is solely the pilot's prerogative to determine what course of action, if any, he will take.
SAIL BACK - A maneuver during high wind conditions (usually with power off) where float plane movement is controlled by water rudders/opening and closing cabin doors.
SAME DIRECTION AIRCRAFT (P/CG) - Aircraft are operating in the same direction when:
They are following the same track in the same direction; or

Their tracks are parallel and the aircraft are flying in the same direction; or

c. Their tracks intersect at an angle of less than 45 degrees.
d. SAY AGAIN - Used to request a repeat of the last transmission. Usually specifies transmission or portion thereof not understood or received, e.g., "Say again all after ABRAM VOR."
SAY ALTITUDE - Used by Air Traffic Control to ascertain an aircraft's specific altitude/Flight Level. When the aircraft is climbing or descending, the pilot should state the indicated altitude rounded to the nearest 100 feet.
SAY HEADING - Used by Air Traffic Control to request an aircraft heading. The pilot should state the actual heading of the aircraft.
SEA LANE - A designated portion of water outlined by visual surface markers for and intended to be used by aircraft designed to operate on water.
SEARCH AND RESCUE FACILITY - A facility responsible for maintaining and operating a search and rescue (SAR) service to render aid to persons and property in distress. It is any SAR unit, station, NET or other operational activity which can be usefully employed during an SAR Mission, e.g., a Civil Air Patrol Wing or a Coast Guard station. (See Search And Rescue)
SEARCH AND RESCUE/SAR (P/CG) -A service which seeks missing aircraft and assists those found to be in need of assistance. It is a cooperative effort using the facilities and services of available federal, state and local agencies. The US Coast Guard is responsible for coordination of Search And Rescue for the Maritime Region and the US Air Force is responsible for Search And Rescue for the inland Region. Information pertinent to Search And Rescue should be passed through any air traffic facility or be transmitted directly to the Rescue Coordination Center by telephone. (See Flight Service Station, Rescue Coord Center)
SEARCH AND RESCUE (JCS, NATO) - The use of aircraft, surface craft, submarines, specialized rescue teams and equipment to search for and rescue personnel in distress on land or at sea.
SEE AND AVOID - A visual procedure wherein pilots of aircraft flying in Visual Meteorological Conditions (VMC), regardless of type of flight plan, are charged with the responsibility to observe the presence of other aircraft and to maneuver their aircraft as required to avoid the other aircraft. Right-of-way rules are contained in Federal Air Regulations, Part 91. (See Instrument Flight Rules, Visual Flight Rules, Visual Meteorological Conditions, Instrument Meteorological Conditions)
SEGMENTED CIRCLE - A system of visual indicators designed to provide traffic pattern information at airports without operating control towers.
SEGMENTS OF AN INSTRUMENT APPROACH PROCEDURE (P/CG) - An instrument approach procedure may have as many as four separate segments depending on how the approach procedure is structured.
INITIAL APPROACH - The segments between the Initial Approach Fix and the intermediate fix or the point where the aircraft is established on the intermediate course or final approach course.

INTERMEDIATE APPROACH - The segment between the intermediate fix or point and the Final Approach Fix.

FINAL APPROACH - The segment between the Final Approach Fix or point and the runway, airport or missed approach point.
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