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时间:2011-08-13 12:47来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空
曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者

Under the provisions of the SCATANA Plan, the United States Military will direct the action to be taken (in regard to Landing, Grounding, Diversion, or Dispersal of Aircraft and the Control of Air Navigational Aids) in defense of the United States and airspace controlled by the United States during emergency conditions.

If any portion of SCATANA is implemented, Air Traffic Control facilities which provide service in United States Controlled Airspace will broadcast appropriate instructions received from the United States Military over available Air Traffic Control frequencies.

Pilots are required to file a Defense Visual Flight Rules (DVFR) or Instrument Flight Rule (IFR) flight plan and obtain Air Traffic Control approval prior to conducting flight operation when SCATANA or ESCAT is in effect. Pilots must include their Air Traffic Priority List Number in the "REMARKS" Section of the flight plan.

MILITARY AUTHORITY ASSUMES RESPONSIBILITY FOR SEPARATION OF AIRCRAFT (MARSA) - The application of MARSA is a Command prerogative and must not be invoked indiscriminately by individual units or pilots. It is used only for special IFR Operations requiring its use. Examples are Air Refueling, Air Intercept Training, and Military Training Routes. Commands authorizing MARSA must insure that its implementation and terms of use are documented and coordinated with the Air Traffic Control agency having jurisdiction over the area in which such Operations are conducted. Terms of use must assigned responsibility and provide for separation among participating aircraft.

RADAR TRAFFIC INFORMATION SERVICE - A service provided by Radar Air Traffic Control facilities. Pilots receiving this service are advised of any Radar target observed on the Radar display which may be in such proximity to the position of their aircraft or its intended route of flight that it warrants their attention. This service is not intended to relieve the pilot of his responsibility for continual vigilance to see and avoid other aircraft.


Flight Plans will be submitted to the Base Operations Dispatch Section prior to take-off. IFR Plans will be submitted a minimum of 2 hours prior to proposed take-off time for entry into the Air Traffic Control system (some countries/Air Traffic Control Regions require IFR Flight Plans in excess of two hours prior, and aircrews are advised to plan accordingly). Flight Plans, except those involving Buffer Zones or Air Defense Identification Zone, may be filed by radio if no other means are available.

In the event of a delay of 30 minutes in excess of the estimated departure time for a controlled flight or a delay of one hour for an uncontrolled flight for which a flight plan has been submitted, the flight plan should be amended or a new flight plan submitted and the old flight plan cancelled, whichever is applicable.

CLOSING OF FLIGHT PLAN (ICAO) - Make a report of arrival to the nearest appropriate Air Traffic Service unit, at the earliest practicable moment after landing, for any flight for which a flight plan has been submitted.

UNITED STATES MILITARY AIRPORTS - Flight plans can be closed by personally turning in the duplicate copy of DD Form 1801 or ICAO flight plan to the Base Operations.

UNATTENDED FIELDS - When landing at unattended fields pilots will close flight plans by radio prior to landing or by telephone as soon as possible after landing.

DIVERSIONARY LANDINGS - Pilots of aircraft landing at a weather alternate or destination other than originally filed will insure appropriate aeronautical authorities (Base Operations Dispatcher, Civil National Dispatchers, etc.) are notified to send both the departure point and originally intended destination in an arrival messages.
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