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时间:2011-08-13 12:47来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空
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NAS STAGE A - The enroute Air Traffic Control system's radar, computers and computer programs, controller plan view displays (PVDs/Radar Scopes), input/output devices, and the related communications equipment which are integrated to form the heart of the automated Instrument Flight Rules Air Traffic Control system. This equipment performs Flight Data Processing (FDP) and Radar Data Processing (RDP). It interfaces with automated terminal systems and is used in the control of enroute Instrument Flight Rules aircraft.
NATIONAL AIRSPACE SYSTEM/NAS - The common network of United States airspace; air navigation facilities, equipment and services, airports or landing areas; aeronautical charts, information and services; rules, regulations and procedures, technical information, and manpower and material. Included are system components shared jointly with the military.
NATIONAL BEACON CODE ALLOCATION PLAN AIRSPACE/NBCAP AIRSPACE - Airspace over United States territory located within the North American continent between Canada and Mexico, including adjacent territorial waters outward to abut boundaries of oceanic control areas (CTA)/Flight Information Regions (FIR). (See Flight Information Region)
NATIONAL FLIGHT DATA CENTER/NFDC - A facility in Washington, D.C., established by Federal Aviation Administration to operate a central aeronautical information service for the collection, validation, and dissemination of aeronautical data in support of the activities of government, industry, and the aviation community. The information is published in the National Flight Data Digest. (See National Flight Data Digest) NATIONAL FLIGHT DATA DIGEST/NFDD - A daily (except weekends and federal holidays) publication of flight information appropriate to aeronautical charts, aeronautical publications, Notices to Airmen or other media serving the purpose of providing operational flight data essential to safe and efficient aircraft Operations.
NATIONAL SEARCH AND RESCUE PLAN - An interagency agreement which provides for the effective utilization of all available facilities in all types of Search and Rescue missions.
NAVIGATIONAL AIDS CLASSES - VOR, VORTAC, and TACAN aids are classed according to their operational use. The three classes of navigational aids are:
T - Terminal
L - Low altitude
HA - High altitude

The normal service range for T, L, and HA class aids is found in the Enroute Supplement. Certain operational requirements make it necessary to use some of these aids at greater service ranges than specified. Extended range is made possible through flight inspection determinations. Some aids also have lesser service range due to location, terrain, frequency protection, etc.
NAVIGABLE AIRSPACE - Airspace at and above the minimum flight altitudes prescribed in the Federal Air Regulations including airspace needed for safe take-off and landing. (Refer to Federal Air Regulations Part 91)
NAVIGATIONAL AID/NAVAID - Any visual or electronic device airborne or on the surface which provides point to point guidance information or position data to aircraft in flight. (See Air Navigation Facility, Celestial Navigation)
NDB - (See Nondirectional Beacon)
NEGATIVE (P/CG) - "No" or "Permission not granted" or "That is not correct."
NEGATIVE (JCS) - As used in air intercept, means cancel, or no.
NEGATIVE CONTACT - Used by pilots to inform Air Traffic Control that:
Previously issued traffic is not in sight. It may be followed by the pilot's request for the controller to provide assistance in avoiding the traffic.

They were unable to contact Air Traffic Control on a particular frequency.

NIGHT (P/CG) - The time between the end of evening civil twilight and the beginning of morning civil twilight, as published in the American Air Almanac, converted to local time.
NIGHT (ICAO) - The hours between the end of evening civil twilight and the beginning of morning civil twilight or such other period between sunset and sunrise as may be specified by the appropriate authority.
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