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时间:2011-08-13 12:47来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空
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Loss of Radar tracking capability. In the event Radar tracking is not possible above FL600 due to loss of the air or ground Radar system, the pilot shall be advised and control will be based on the route filed and position reports estimates as necessary. Where insufficient time or lateral separation will occur on converging courses, the pilots shall be advised. Vertical


separation shall be provided if pilots volunteer altitude information and request altitude separation. Otherwise, pilots shall be advised, "unable to provide separation from (aircraft Identification) (direction of flight)". It is understood that the Military Assumes Responsibility for Separation of Aircraft (MARSA) in these instances.
(2) United States and ICAO Air Traffic Control facilities recognize the Mode 3, Code 7500 as meaning that the aircraft is being "Hijacked / forced to a new destination". Use Code 7500 to indicate a hijacking threat when under Air Traffic Control Radar control. When the situation precludes Code 7500 replies, the spoken words indicating such squawk will receive similar Air Traffic Control interpretation and action. Air traffic controllers will acknowledge and confirm receipt by asking the pilot if the code is intentionally being used. If the pilot replies in the affirmative, or does not reply, the controller shall not ask further questions but will flight follow, respond to pilot's requests, and notify appropriate authorities.

Despite the many new and lengthened runways which have been added to the nation's airports in recent years, limited runway availability remains a major contributing factor to operational delays. Many high density airports have gained operational experience with intersecting runways which clearly indicates that simultaneous operations are safe and feasible. Tower controllers may authorize simultaneous landings or a simultaneous landing and take-off on intersecting runways when the following conditions are met:

The runways are dry and the controller has received no reports that braking action is less than good.

A simultaneous take-off and landing operation may be conducted only in VFR conditions.

Instructions are issued to restrict one aircraft from entering the intersecting runway being used by another aircraft.

Traffic information issued is acknowledged by pilots of both aircraft.

The measured distance from runway threshold to intersection is issued if the pilot requests it.

The conditions specified in 3, 4, and 5 are met at or before issuance of the landing clearance.

The distance from landing threshold to the intersection is adequate for the category of aircraft being held short.  Controllers are provided a general table of aircraft category/minimum runway length requirements as a guide. Operators of Short Take-Off and Landing aircraft would identify their aircraft as such on initial contact with the tower, unless a Letter of Agreement concerning this fact is in effect. Whenever a hold short clearance is received, it is incumbent upon the pilot to determine his/her ability to hold short of an intersection after landing when instructed to do so. Additionally, pilots should include the words "hold short of (Point)" in the acknowledgement of such clearances.

There is no tailwind for the landing aircraft restricted to hold short of the intersection.

The safety and operation of an aircraft remains the responsibility of the pilot. If for any reason; e.g.; difficulty in discerning location of and intersection at night, inability to hold short of an intersection, wind factors, etc., a pilot elects to use the full length of the runway, a different runway or desires to obtain the distance from the landing threshold to the intersection, the pilot is expected to promptly inform Air Traffic Control accordingly.
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