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时间:2011-08-13 12:47来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空
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NOTE: See General Planning, paragraph 5-28 b.
SPEED BRAKES/DIVE BRAKES - Moveable aerodynamic devices on aircraft that reduce airspeed during descent and landing.
SQUAWK (MODE, CODE, FUNCTION) - Activate specific modes/codes/functions on the aircraft transponder, e.g., "Squawk Three/Alpha, Two one zero five, Low." (See Transponder)
STANAGS - NATO STANDARDIZATION AGREEMENTS - Represent agreements among participating NATO countries outlining common operational procedures.
STAND BY - Means the controller or pilot must pause for a few seconds, usually to attend to other duties of a higher priority. Also means to "wait" as in "stand by for clearance." If a delay is lengthy, the caller should re-establish contact.
STAND BY (P/CG) - Means the controller or pilot must pause for a few seconds, usually to attend to other duties of a higher priority. Also means to wait as in "stand by for clearance." The caller should reestablish contact if a delay is lengthy. "Stand by" is not an approval or denial.
STANDARD INSTRUMENT DEPARTURE/SID - A preplanned Instrument Flight Rule (IFR) Air Traffic Control departure procedure printed for pilot use in graphic and/or textual form. SIDs provide transition from the terminal to the appropriate enroute structure. (See IFR Take-off Minima and Departure Procedure)
STANDARD RATE TURN - A turn of three degrees per second.
STANDARD TERMINAL ARRIVAL/STAR - A preplanned Instrument Flight Rule (IFR) Air Traffic Control arrival procedure published for pilot use in graphic and/or textual form. STARs provide transition from the enroute structure to an outer fix or an Instrument Approach Fix/arrival waypoint in the terminal area.
STATE AIRCRAFT (P/CG) - Aircraft used in military, customs and police service, in the exclusive service of any government or of any political subdivision, thereof including the government of any state, territory, or possession of the United States or the District of Columbia, but not including any government-owned aircraft engaged in carrying persons or property of commercial purposes.
STATIONARY RESERVATIONS - Altitude reservations which encompass activities in a fixed area. Stationary reservations may include activities such as special test of weapons systems or equipment, certain US Navy carrier, fleet, and anti-submarine operations, rocket, missile and drone operations, and certain aerial refueling or similar operations.
STEPDOWN FIX - A fix permitting additional descent within a segment of an instrument approach procedure by identifying a point at which a controlling obstacle has been safely overflown.
STEP TAXI - To taxi a float plane at full power or high Revolutions Per Minute.
STEP TURN - A maneuver used to put a float plane in a planing configuration prior to entering an active sea lane for take-off. The step turn maneuver should only be used upon pilot request.
STEREO ROUTE - A routinely used route of flight established by users and Air Route Traffic Control Centers identified by a coded name, e.g., ALPHA 2. These routes minimize flight plan handling and communications.
STOP ALTITUDE SQUAWK - Used by Air Traffic Control to inform an aircraft to turn-off the automatic altitude reporting feature of its transponder. It is issued when the verbally reported altitude varies 300 feet or more from the automatic altitude report. (See Altitude Readout, Transponder)
STOP AND GO - A procedure wherein an aircraft will land, make a complete stop on the runway, and then commence a take-off from that point. (See Low Approach, Option Approach)
STOP OVER FLIGHT PLAN - A flight plan format which permits, in a single submission, the filing of a sequence of flight plans through interim full-stop destinations to a final destination.
STOP SQUAWK (MODE OR CODE) - Used by Air Traffic Control to tell the pilot to turn specified functions of the aircraft transponder off. (See Stop Altitude Squawk, Transponder)
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