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时间:2010-07-20 22:20来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin
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regulations and practices and the International Standards
contained in this Annex and any amendments thereto. Contracting
States are invited to keep the Organization currently
informed of any differences which may subsequently occur or
of the withdrawal of any differences previously notified. A
specific request for notification of differences will be sent to
Contracting States immediately after the adoption of each
Amendment to this Annex.
Use of the text of the Annex in national regulations. The
Council, on 13 April 1948, adopted a resolution inviting the
attention of Contracting States to the desirability of using in
their own national regulations, as far as practicable, the precise
language of those ICAO Standards which are of a regulatory
character and also of indicating departures from the Standards,
including any additional regulations that are important for the
safety or regularity of air navigation. Wherever possible, the
provisions of Part I1 of this Annex have been written in such
a way as would facilitate incorporation, without major textual
changes, into national legislation. The provisions of Parts IIlA
and IIIB of this Annex, on the other hand, are applicable to
aeroplanes through the medium of national codes more
comprehensive and detailed than the Standards, so that the
Council Resolution of 13 April 1948 does not apply to
Parts IIIA and IIIB.
Information concerning the national codes establishing
compliance with the Annex. States are invited to notify the
Org&ization either of the establishment or of the selection of
the comprehensive and appropriate airworthiness requirements
mentioned in 3.2.2 of Part 11. States that establish such codes
are invited to forward a copy of each with its successive
amendments, and any appropriate interpretation document
concerning them. States that select codes of other Contracting
States to comply with 3.2.2 of Part I1 are invited to indicate the
codes that they-intend to use.
Related Standards of Annex 6, Part I. Chapter 5 of
Annex 6, Part I, dealing with aeroplane performance operat- Use of the guidance material in the Airworthiness Manual
ing limitations contains Standards that are complementary to (Doc 9760). Contracting States are invited to note that the
the airworthiness Standards of Annex 8. Both state broad material in the Airworthiness Manual is intended to guide
objectives. The Standards of Annex 6, Part I, Chapter 5, are them in the development of their detailed and comprehensive
supplemented by guidance material in the form of green page national codes with a view to introducing uniformity in those
Annex 8 -Airworthiness of Aircrap Foreword
national codes. The material has no mandatory status and
Contracting States are quite free to differ from it either in
detail or in methods. States are also not required to notify any
differences that may exist between their detailed national
regulations and practices and the relevant material in the
A irworthiners Manual.
Status of Annex components
An Annex is made up of the following component parts, not
all of which, however, are necessarily found in every Annex;
they have the status indicated.
1.- Material comprising the Annex pmper
a) Sandardr and Recommended Practices adopted by the
Council under the provisions of the Convention. They
are defined as follows:
Standard: Any specification for physical characteristics,
configuration, matiriel, performance, personnel
or procedure, the uniform application of which is
recognized as necessary for the safety or regularity of
international air navigation and to which Contracting
States will conform in accordance with the Convention;
in the event of impossibility of compliance, notification
to the Council is compulsory under Article 38.
Recommended Practice: Any specification for physical
characteristics, configuration, mathel, performance,
personnel or procedure, the uniform application of
which is recognized as desirable in the interest of safety,
regularity or efficiency of international air navigation,
and to which Contracting States will endeavour to
conform in accordance with the Convention.
b) Appendices comprising material grouped separately for
convenience but forming part of the Standards and
Recommended Practices adopted by the Council.
c) Definitions of terms used in the Standards and Recommended
Practices which are not self-explanatory in that
they do not have accepted dictionary meanings. A definition
does not have an independent status but is an
essential part of each Standard and Recommended
Practice in which the term is used, since a change in the
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本文链接地址:附件8--航空器适航性 Airworthiness of Aircraft(9)