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时间:2010-07-20 22:20来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin
曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者

the power-unit shall be capable of supplying each engine in
accordance with its established requirements, under all conditions
affecting the functioning of the systems (e.g. engine
power or thrust, aeroplane attitudes and accelerations, atmospheric
conditions, fluid temperatures) within the anticipated
operating conditions.
ANNEX 8 IIIB-E-1 13/12/07
Annex 8 -Airworthiness of Aircraft Part ZZZB
E.3.5.5 Fire protection
For regions of the powerplant where the potential fire hazards
are particularly serious because of the proximity of ignition
sources to combustible materials, the following shall apply in
addition to the general Standard of D.2 f).
a) Isolation. Such regions shall be isolated by fireproof
material from other regions of the aeroplane where the
presence of fire would jeopardize continued flight, taking
into account the probable points of origin and paths
of propagation of fire.
b) Flammable fluids. Flammable fluid system components
located in such regions shall be fire resistant. Drainage
of each region shall be provided to minimize hazards
resulting from the failure of any component containing
flammable fluids. Means shall be provided for the crew
to shut off the flow of flammable fluids into such
regions if a fire occurs. Where sources of flammable
fluid exist in such regions, the whole of the related
system within the region, including supporting structure,
shall be fireproof or shielded from the effects of the fire.
C) Fire detection. A sufficient number of fire detectors
shall be provided and located to ensure rapid detection
of any fire that might occur in such regions.
d) Fire extinguishment. Such regions shall be provided
with a fire extinguisher system capable of extinguishing
any fire likely to occur therein, unless the degree of
isolation, quantity of combustibles, fire resistance of the
structure, and other factors are such that any fire likely
to occur in the region would not jeopardize the safety of
the aeroplane.
F.1 General F.2 Installation
F.l.l The aeroplane shall be provided with approved
instruments, equipment and systems, including guidance and
flight management systems necessary for the safe operation of
the aeroplane in the anticipated operating conditions. These
shall include the instruments and equipment necessary to
enable the crew to operate the aeroplane within its operating
limitations. Instruments and equipment design shall observe
Human Factors principles.
Note 1.- Instruments and equipment additional to the
minimum necessary for the issuance of a Certificate of
Airworthiness are prescribed in Annex 6, Parts Z and IZ, for
particular circumstances or on particular kinds of routes.
Note 2.- For systems sofhvare assessment, see Sub-part H.
Note 3.- Guidance material on Human Factors principles
can be found in the Human Factors Training Manual
(Doc 9683) and in the Human Factors Guidelines for Air
Traffic Management (ATM) Systems (Doc 9758).
F.1.2 The design of the instruments, equipment and
systems required by F.l.l and their installation shall be such
a) an inverse relationship exists between the probability of
a failure condition and the severity of its effect on the
aircraft and its occupants, as determined by a system
safety assessment process;
b) they perform their function under all anticipated operating
conditions; and
c) electromagnetic interference between them is
F.1.3 Means shall be provided to warn the crew of unsafe
system operating conditions and to enable them to take
corrective action.
F.1.4 The design of the electrical power supply system
shall be such as to enable it to supply power loads during
normal operations of the aeroplane and essential power loads
after failures that affect the electrical generating system and
under expected environmental conditions.
Instrument and equipment installations shall comply with the
Standards of Sub-part D.
F.3 Safety and survival equipment
Prescribed safety and survival equipment that the crew or
passengers are expected to use or operate at the time of an
emergency shall be reliable, readily accessible and easily
identified, and its method of operation shall be plainly marked.
F.4 Navigation lights
and anti-collision lights
F.4.1 The lights required by Annex 2 - Rules of the Air
to be displayed by aeroplanes in flight or operating on the
movement area of an aerodrome shall have intensities, colours,
fields of coverage and other characteristics such that they furnish
the pilot of another aircraft or personnel on the ground
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本文链接地址:附件8--航空器适航性 Airworthiness of Aircraft(38)