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时间:2010-07-20 22:20来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin
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complete aeroplane including power-units, systems and
equipment. - maximum certificated taxiing mass;
1.2 Number of power-units - maximum certificated landing mass;
The aeroplane shall have not less than two power-units. - maximum cert~flcatedz ero firel mass; and
Annex 8 -Airworthiness of Aircraft
- most forward and rearward centre of gravify positiolis in
various configurations (take-oft: en route, landing;).
Note 3.- Maximum operating mass may be limited by the
application of Noise Certification Standards (see Annex 16,
Volume I, and Annex 6, Parts I and II).
1.4 Unsafe features and characteristics
Under all anticipated operating conditions, the aeroplane shall
not possess any feature or characteristic that renders it unsafe.
Part II.4
1.5 Proof of compliance
1.5.1 Compliance with the appropriate airworthiness
requirements shall be based on evidence either from tests,
calculations, or calculations based on tests, provided that in
each case the accuracy achieved will ensure a level of airworthiness
equal to that which would be achieved were direct
tests conducted.
1 .5.2 The tests of 1.5.1 shall be such as to provide reasonable
assurance that the aeroplane, its components and
equipment are reliable and hnction correctly under the anticipated
operating conditions.
2.1 General 2.2.2 Minimum performance
2.1.1 Compliance with the Standards prescribed in
Chapter 2 shall be established by flight or other tests conducted
upon an aeroplane or aeroplanes of the type for which a
Certificate of Airworthiness is sought, or by calculations based
on such tests, provided that the results obtained by calculations
are equal in accuracy to, or conservatively represent, the results
of direct testing.
2.1.2 Compliance with each Standard shall be established
for all applicable combinations of aeroplane mass and centre
of gravity position, within the range of loading conditions for
which certification is sought.
At the maximum mass scheduled (see 2.2.3) for take-off and
for landing as functions of the aerodrome elevation or
pressure-altitude either in the standard atmosphere or in
specified still air atmospheric conditions, and, for seaplanes, in
specified conditions of smooth water, the aeroplane shall be
capable of accomplishing the minimum performances
specified in and, respectively, not considering
obstacles, or runway or water run length.
Note.- This Standard permits the maximum take-off mass
and maximum landing mass to be scheduled in the aeroplane
flight manual against, for example:
- aerodrome elevation, or
2.1.3 Where necessary, appropriate aeroplane configurations
shall be established for the determination of perform- -pressure-altitude at aerodrome level, or
ance in the various stages of flight and for the investigation of
the aeroplane's flying qualities. -pressure-altitude and atmospheric temperaturn at aerodrome
2.2 Performance
2.2.1 General
so as to be readily usable when applying the national code on
aeroplane pet$ormance operating limitations.
a) The aeroplane shall be capable of taking off assuming the Sufficient data on the performance of the critical power-unit to fail (see 2.2.3), the remaining
aeroplane shall be determined and scheduled in the flight power-units being operated within their take-off power
manual to provide operators with the necessary information for limitations.
the purpose of determining the total mass of the aeroplane on
the basis of the values, to the proposed flight, of the
relevant operational parameters, in order that the flight may be b) After the end of the period during which the take-off~ower
made with reasonable assurance that a safe minimum perfor- may be used, the aeroplane shall be capable of continuing
mance for that flight will be achieved. to climb, with the critical power-unit inoperative and the
remaining power-units operated within their maximum
continuous power limitations, up to a height that it can Achieving the performance scheduled for the maintain and at which it can canv out a circuit of the
aeroplane shall take into consideration human performance aerodrome.
and in particular shall not require exceptional skill or alertness
on the part of the flight crew.
Note.- Guidance material on human peflormance can be
found in the Human Factors Training Manual (Doc 9683). The scheduled performance of the aeroplane shall
be consistent with compliance with 1.3.1 and with the
operation in logical combinations of those of the aeroplane's
systems and equipment, the operation of which may affect
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本文链接地址:附件8--航空器适航性 Airworthiness of Aircraft(20)