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时间:2010-07-20 22:20来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin
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any load up to and including the limit load, and the aeroplane
structure shall be capable of supporting the ultimate load.
speed, a design cruising speed, a design dive speed, and any
other design airspeeds necessary for configurations with high
lift or other special devices.
C.5.2 Limiting airspeeds
Limiting airspeeds, based on the corresponding design airspeeds
with safety margins, where appropriate, in accordance
with A.2.1, shall be included in the flight manual as part of the
operating limitations (see G2).
C.6 Strength
C.6.1 All structural elements shall be designed to withstand
the maximum loads expected in service under all anticipated
operating conditions without failure, permanent
distortion or loss of functionality. In determining these loads,
account shall be taken of:
a) the expected operational life of the aeroplane;
b) the vertical and horizontal gust environment, taking into
consideration the expected variations in mission profile
and loading configurations;
c) the manoeuvre spectrum, taking into account variations
in mission profiles, and loading configurations;
d) asymmetrical as well as symmetrical loading;
e) the ground and water loads, including taxi, landing and
take-off loads, and groundlwater handling loads;
f) the speed range of the aeroplane, taking into account the
aeroplane characteristics and operation limitations;
C.5 Airspeeds
g) vibration and buffeting loads;
C.5.1 Design airspeeds
Design airspeeds shall be established for which the aeroplane
structure is designed to withstand the corresponding manoeuvring
and gust loads. To avoid inadvertent exceedances due
to upsets or atmospheric variations, the design airspeeds shall
provide sufficient margin for the establishment of practical
operational limiting airspeeds. In addition, the design airspeeds
shall be sufficiently greater than the stalling speed of
the aeroplane to safeguard against loss of control in turbulent
air. Consideration shall be given to a design manoeuvring
h) corrosion or other degradation, given the maintenance
specified, and various operating environments; and
i) any other loads, such as flight control loads, cabin
pressurization loads, engine loads, or dynamic loads due
to changes to the steady state configuration.
C.6.2 The air, inertia and other loads resulting from the
specific loading conditions shall be distributed so as to
approximate actual conditions closely or to represent them
ANNEX 8 IIIB-C-1 13/12/07
Annex 8 -Airworthiness of Aircraft Part IZIB
C.7 Survivability
The aeroplane shall be designed so as to provide the occupants
with the maximum practicable protection in the event of structural
failure, or in the event of damage due to ground, water,
or object impact. Consideration shall be given to at least the
a) likely impact with birds;
b) energy absorption by the airframe, occupant seats and
c) the probable behaviour of the aeroplane in ditching; and
d) allowing egress in the shortest practicable time.
C.8 Structural durability
The design and construction of the aeroplane shall, wherever
practicable, conform to damage tolerance principles and shall
be such as to ensure that the probability of catastrophic failure
during the operational life is extremely remote, taking into
a) the expected environment;
b) the expected repeated loads applied in service;
c) expected vibrations from aerodynamic interaction or
internal sources;
d) thermal cycles;
e) accidental and discrete source damage;
f) likely corrosion or other degradation;
g) specified maintenance; and
h) likely structural repairs.
Note.- Guidance material concerning the expression
"extremely remote " is contained in the Airworthiness Manual
(Doc 9760).
D.l General
D.l.l Details of design and construction shall be such as
to give reasonable assurance that all aeroplane parts will
function effectively and reliably in the anticipated operating
conditions. They shall be based upon practices that experience
has proven to be satisfactory or that are substantiated by
special tests or by other appropriate investigations or both.
They shall also consider Human Factors principles.
Note.- Guidance material on Human Factors principles
can be found in the Human Factors Training Manual
(Doc 9683).
D.1.2 Substantiation of moving parts
The functioning of all moving parts essential to the safe
operation of the aeroplane shall be demonstrated by suitable
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本文链接地址:附件8--航空器适航性 Airworthiness of Aircraft(34)