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时间:2010-07-20 22:20来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin
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purpose of determining the total mass of the helicopter on the
basis of the values, peculiar to the proposed flight, of the
relevant operational parameters, in order that the flight may be
made with reasonable assurance that a safe minimum performance
for that flight will be achieved.
B.2.2 Achieving the performance scheduled for the
helicopter shall take into consideration human performance
and in particular shall not require exceptional skill or alertness
on the part of the flight crew.
Note.- Guidance material on human perjormance can be
found in the Human Factors Training Manual (Doc 9683).
a) The performance at all stages of take-off and climb shall
be sufficient to ensure that under conditions of operation
departing slightly from the idealized conditions for
which data are scheduled (see B.2.7), the departure from
the scheduled values is not disproportionate.
b) For Category A helicopters, in the event of critical
engine failure at or after the take-off decision point, the
helicopter shall be capable of continuing safe flight, the
remaining engine(s) being operated within the approved
B.2.6 Landing
a) It shall be possible to make a safe landing on a prepared
landing surface after complete power failure occurring
during normal cruise.
b) For Category A helicopters, starting from the landing
configuration in the event of critical engine failure at or
before the landing decision point, the helicopter shall be
capable of continuing safe flight, the remaining
engine(s) being operated within the approved
B .2.7 Scheduling of performance
B.2.3 The scheduled performance of the helicopter shall Performance data shall be determined and scheduled in the
be consistent with compliance with A.2.1 and with the oper- flight manual as follows for the ranges of mass, altitude,
ation in logical combinations of those of the helicopter's temperature and other operational variables for which the heli-
'ystems and the 'peration of which may affect copter is to be and additionally for amphibians,
water surface conditions and strength of current shall be
B.2.4 Minimum performance
a) Hover perjormance. The hover performance shall be
At the maximum masses scheduled (see B.2.7) for take-off and determined for both in-ground effect and out-of-ground
for landing as functions of the take-off and landing site effect with all engines operating.
ANNEX 8 IVB-B-1 13/12/07
Annex 8 - Airworthiness of Aircraft Part ZVB
b) Climb. The steady rate of climb with the engine(s)
operating at or within approved limits shall be
c) Height-velocity envelope. If there are any combinations
of height and forward velocity (including hover) under
which a safe landing cannot be made after failure of the
critical engine and with the remaining engines (if
applicable) operating within approved limits, a heightvelocity
envelope shall be established.
d) Take-off distance - all engines operating. Where
required by the operating rules, the take-off distance -
all engines operating shall be the horizontal distance
required from the start take-off to the point where a
selected speed up to the best rate of climb speed (Vy)
and selected height above the take-off surface are
achieved, all engines operating at approved take-off
power required.
In addition, for Category A helicopters:
e) Minimum perjomance. The minimum climb performance
shall be established for both take-off and landing.
f) Take-off decision point. The take-off decision point shall
be the point in the take-off phase used in determining
take-off performance and from which either a rejected
take-off may be made or a take-off safely continued,
with the critical engine inoperative.
g) Take-off distance required. The take-off distance
required shall be the horizontal distance required from
the start of the take-off to the point at which the take-off
safety speed (VToss), a selected height above the
take-off surface, and a positive climb gradient are
achieved, following failure of the critical engine at
take-off decision point, the remaining engine(s) operating
within approved operating limits. If procedures
involve rearward flight, the back-up distance shall be
h) Rejected take-off distance required. The rejected
take-off distance required shall be the horizontal
distance required from the start of the take-off to the
point where the helicopter comes to a complete stop
following engine failure and rejection of the take-off at
the take-off decision point.
i) Take-off path - climb gradients. The take-off path -
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本文链接地址:附件8--航空器适航性 Airworthiness of Aircraft(53)