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时间:2010-07-20 22:20来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin
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been shown to be eligible by virtue of compliance with the
appropriate airworthiness requirements shall be listed.
G3.2 Loading information
G2.4 Powerplant limitations
The powerplant limitations shall include all those established
for the various powerplant components as installed in the
aeroplane (see E.3.1 and E.3.5.3).
G2.5 Limitations on equipment and systems
The limitations on equipment and systems shall include all
those established for the various equipment and systems as
installed in the aeroplane.
The loading information shall include the empty mass of the
aeroplane, together with a definition of the condition of the
aeroplane at the time of weighing, the corresponding centre of
gravity position, and the reference points and datum lines to
which the centre of gravity limits are related.
Note.- Usually the empty mass excludes the mass of the
crew and payload, the usable fuel supply and the drainable
oil; it includes the mass of all fined ballast, unusable fuel
supply, undrainable oil, total quantity of engine coolant and
total quantity of hydraulic jluid.
ANNEX 8 V-G-1 13/12/07
Annex 8 - Airworthiness of Aircraft
G3.3 Operating procedures
A description shall be given of normal and emergency
operating procedures which are peculiar to the particular aeroplane
and necessary for its safe operation. These shall include
procedures to be followed in the event of failure of one or
more power-units.
(3.3.4 Handling information
Sufficient information shall be given on any significant or
unusual features of the aeroplane characteristics. Those
stalling speeds or minimum steady flight speeds required to be
established by B.4.2.3 shall be scheduled.
and that could jeopardize the safety of the aeroplane in
subsequent flights.
6 7 Continuing airworthiness -
maintenance information
G7.1 General
Information for use in developing procedures for maintaining
the aeroplane in an airworthy condition shall be made available.
The information shall include that described in G7.2,
G7.3 and G7.4.
G7.2 Maintenance information
G4 Performance information
The performance of the aeroplane shall be scheduled in
accordance with B.2. There shall be included information
regarding the various aeroplane configurations and powers or
thrusts involved and the relevant speeds, together with
information that would assist the flight crew in attaining the
performance as scheduled.
6 5 Flight manual
A flight manual shall be made available. It shall identify
clearly the specific aeroplane or series of aeroplanes to which
it is related. The flight manual shall include at least the limitations,
information and procedures specified in G2, G3, G4
and G6.1.
6 6 Markings and placards
G6.1 Markings and placards on instruments, equipment,
controls, etc., shall include such limitations or information as
necessary for the direct attention of the flight crew during
G6.2 Markings and placards or instructions shall be
provided to give any information that is essential to the ground
crew in order to preclude the possibility of mistakes in ground
servicing (towing, refuelling, etc.) that could pass unnoticed
Maintenance information shall include a description of the
aeroplane and recommended methods for the accomplishment
of maintenance tasks. Such information shall include guidance
on defect diagnosis.
G.7.3 Maintenance programme information
Maintenance programme information shall include the maintenance
tasks and the recommended intervals at which these
tasks are to be performed.
Note.- The development of initial maintenance programme
information at the time of aircraji type certification is
sometimes referred to as the Maintenance Review Board
(MRB) process or the process of developing instructions for
continued airworthiness.
G7.4 Mandatory maintenance requirements
resulting from the type design approval
Mandatory maintenance requirements that have been specified
by the State of Design as part of the approval of the type
design shall be identified as such and included in the maintenance
information of G7.3.
Note.-- Mandatory requirements identified as part of the
type design approval are ojien referred to as Certification
Maintenance Requirements (CMR) and/or airworthiness
All systems software shall be designed and validated such as
to ensure that the systems in which software is used perform
their intended functions with a level of safety that complies
with the requirements of this part, notably those of F.1.2 a) and
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本文链接地址:附件8--航空器适航性 Airworthiness of Aircraft(71)