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时间:2010-07-20 22:20来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin
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C.l Blade retention test
Propeller assemblies with detachable blades shall be subjected
to a centrifugal load with sufficient margin to ensure that the
hub and blade retention system will operate satisfactorily and
reliably under the expected loads in service under all anticipated
operating conditions.
C.2 Operational and endurance tests
The propeller shall satisfactorily complete such tests as are
necessary to ensure that it will operate satisfactorily and
reliably within the declared ratings, conditions and limitations.
The tests shall include at least the following:
- END -
a) Function. Tests shall be conducted to demonstrate
proper and reliable functioning of the pitch control
b) Endurance. Tests of sufficient duration shall be conducted
at such powers, speeds and other operating conditions
as are necessary to demonstrate reliability and
durability of the propeller.
C) Operating Environment. Except for fixed pitch wood
propellers, it shall be demonstrated by tests or analysis
based on tests or experience on similar designs, that the
propeller is capable of withstanding the likely impact of
a bird or a lightning strike without causing a hazardous
propeller effect.
The following summap gives the status, and also
describes in general terms the cor~ter~otsf the variolrs
series qf technical publications issi~ed by t/ze
Internatior7nl Civil Avitrtiorl Organizatior~. It does not
include specialized publicurions thtrr do r7or fall
specijicall~ within one of the series, such as the
Aeronauticai Chart Catalogue or tne Meteorological
Tables for International Air Navigation.
International Standards and Recommended
Practices are adopted by the Council in accordance with
Articles 54, 37 and 90 of the Convention on
International Civil Aviation and are designated, for
convenience, as Annexes to the Convention. The
uniform application by Contracting States of the
specifications contained in the International Standards is
recognized as necessary for the safety or regularity of
international air navigation while the uniform
application of the specifications in the Recommended
Practices is regarded as desirable in the interest of
safety, regularity or efficiency of international air
navigation. Knowledge of any differences between the
national regulations or practices of a State and those
established by an International Standard is essential to
the safety or regularity of international air navigation. In
the event of non-compliance with an International
Standard, a State has, in fact, an obligation, under
Article 38 of the Convention, to notify the Council of
any differences. Knowledge of differences from
Recommended Practices may also be important for the
safety of air navigation and, although the Convention
does not impose any obligation with regard thereto, the
Council has invited Contracting States to notify such
differences in addition to those relating to International
Procedures for Air Navigation Services (PANS)
are approved by the Council for worldwide application.
They contain, for the most part, operating procedures
regarded as not yet having attained a sufficient degree of
maturity for adoption as International Standards and
Recommended Practices, as well as material of a more
permanent character which is co~lsideredto o detailed for
incosporation in an Annex, or is susceptible to frequent
amendment, for which the processes of the Convention
would be too cumbersome.
Regional Supplementary Procedures (SUPPS)
have a status similar to that of PANS in that they are
approved by the Council, but only for application in the
respective regions. They are prepared in consolidated
form, since certain of the procedures apply to
overlapping regions or are common to two or more
The following p~~blictrtiontrsr e prepared by authority
of the Secrc~taty Cer~eral it7 accordar~ce with the
principles ar~dp olicies approved by tlze Council.
Technical Manuals provide guidance and
information in amplification of the International
Standards, Recommended Practices and PANS, the
implementation of which they are designed to facilitate.
Air Navigation Plans detail requirements for
facilities and services for international air navigation in
the respective ICAO Air Navigation Regions. They are
prepared on the authority of the Secretary General on
the basis of recommendations of regional air navigation
meetings and of the Council action thereon. The plans
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本文链接地址:附件8--航空器适航性 Airworthiness of Aircraft(75)