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时间:2010-07-20 22:20来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin
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At its fourth session, the Airworthiness Division collaborating
with the Operations Division made recommendations
concerning the use of a performance code as an alternative to
the one contained in the Annex, in which the climb values had
the status of Recommended Practices. Further, the Airworthiness
Division made recommendations concerning certain
aspects of the certification in ICAO categories. As a result of
those recommendations, the Council approved the incorporation
of the alternative performance code as Attachment A but
stated its belief that since agreement had not yet been reached
on Standards covering performance, there existed no basis for
certification in ICAO Category A. It urged the Contracting
States to refrain from such certification pending the becoming
effective of Standards on performance or until such time as the
Council decides on the basic policy on airworthiness.
The Assembly at its seventh session (June 1953)
endorsed the action already taken by the Council and the Air
Navigation Commission to initiate a fundamental study of
ICAO policy on international airworthiness and directed the
Council to complete the study as rapidly as practicable.
third persons and property. It was considered that this met the
obligation of the Organization under Article 37 of the Convention
to adopt International Standards of airworthiness.
It was recognized that the ICAO Standards of airworthiness
would not replace national regulations and that national codes
of airworthiness containing the full scope and extent of detail
considered necessary by individual States would be necessary
as the basis for the certification of individual aircraft. Each
State would establish its own comprehensive and detailed code
of airworthiness or would select a comprehensive and detailed
code established by another Contracting State. The level of
airworthiness defined by this code would be indicated by the
Standards, supplemented, if necessary, by Acceptable Means
of Compliance.
In application of those principles, the Annex was declared
as constituting the minimum standards for the purpose of
Article 33. It was also recognized that the Annex might, at the
time of adoption, not include technical Standards for all
classes of aircraft or even for all classes of aeroplanes, if the
Council felt that no technical Standards were required at that
time to render Article 33 operative. Furthermore, adoption or
amendment of the Annex declared to be complete for the
purpose of Article 33 did not constitute the end of ICAO's
work in the airworthiness field, as there was a need to continue
international collaboration in airworthiness matters.
A revised text for Annex 8 consistent with the above
principles was prepared on the basis of the recommendations
made- by the Third Air Navigation Conference (Montrkal,
September-October 1956). Part 111 of the Annex was limited
to broad Standards stating the objectives rather than the
methods of realizing those objectives. However, to indicate by
examples the level of airworthiness intended by some of the
broad Standards, specifications of a more detailed and quanti-
In pursuing such study, the Air Navigation Commission tative nature were included under the title "Acceptable Means
was helped by an international body of experts designated of Compliance". These specifications were intended to assist
as the "Airworthiness Panel", which contributed to the prep- the Contracting States in the establishment and application of
aration of the work of the Third Air Navigation Conference. comprehensive and detailed national airworthiness codes.
To adopt a code giving an appreciably lower level of
As a result of these studies, a revised policy on interna- airworthiness than that in an Acceptable M~~~ of
tional airworthiness was developed and it was Compliance was considered to be a violation of the Standard
by the Council in 1956. According to this policy, the principle supplemented by that Acceptable Means of Compliance.
of certification in an ICAO Cateeow was abandoned. Instead.
Annex 8 included broad ~tandar& Ghich defined, for applica: The revised text for Annex 8 was included in the Fourth
tion by the Competent national authorities, the complete mini- Edition of the Annex, which superseded the First, Second and
mum international basis for the recognition by States of Third Editions.
certificates of airworthiness for the purpose of the flight of
aircraft of other States into or over their territories, thereby Another recommendation of the Third Air Navigation
achieving, among other purposes, protection of other aircraft, Conference led to the establishment by the Council in 1957 of
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本文链接地址:附件8--航空器适航性 Airworthiness of Aircraft(6)