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时间:2011-03-28 22:58来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空
曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者

 - replace the LGCIU-2 (5GA2) (Ref. AMM TASK 32-31-71-000-001) and (Ref. AMM TASK 32-31-71-400-001).
 (a) If there is still ground:
 - do a check and repair the wiring of the GND/AIR LOGIC discrete from the LGCIU2 (5GA2) to the RA transceiver 2 (2SA2) (Ref. ASM 34-42/02).

 (3) If there is ground at pin AB/6K:

 - replace the EIU-2 (1KS2) (Ref. AMM TASK 73-25-34-000-040) and (Ref. AMM TASK 73-25-34-400-040).
 (a) If there is still ground:
 - do a check and repair the wiring of the FUNCTIONAL TEST INHIBIT discrete from the EIU2 (1KS2) to the RA transceiver 2 (2SA2) (Ref. ASM 34-42/02).
 **ON A/C 001-004,
 Post SB 34-1171 For A/C 001-004,
 A. If the test gives the maintenance message

 - do a check for ground at pins AB/4F and AB/6K of the RA transceiver 2(2SA2).
 (1) If there is no ground:
 - replace the XCVR-RA, 2 (2SA2) (Ref. AMM TASK 34-42-33-000-001) and (Ref. AMM TASK 34-42-33-400-001).
 「一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一1 EFF : ALL ∞∞34-42-00∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞Page 242
 Feb 01/05R CES

 (2) If there is ground at pin AB/4F:

 - replace the LGCIU-2 (5GA2) (Ref. AMM TASK 32-31-71-000-001) and (Ref. AMM TASK 32-31-71-400-001).
 (a) If there is still ground:
 - do a check and repair the wiring of the GND/AIR LOGIC discrete from the LGCIU2 (5GA2) to the RA transceiver 2 (2SA2) (Ref. ASM 34-42/02).

 (3) If there is ground at pin AB/6K:

 - replace the EIU-2 (1KS2) (Ref. AMM TASK 73-25-34-000-040) and (Ref. AMM TASK 73-25-34-400-040).
 (a) If there is still ground:
 - do a check and repair the wiring of the TEST INHIBIT discrete from the EIU2 (1KS2) to the RA transceiver 2 (2SA2) (Ref. ASM 34-42/02).
 B. Do the test given in para. 3.

 TASK 34-42-00-810-826
 Loss of the Two Radio Altimeter Systems
 1. Possible Causes
 - XCVR-RA, 1 (2SA1)

 - XCVR-RA, 2 (2SA2)

 - wiring of the ALTITUDE BUS 2 from the RA transceiver 1 (2SA1) to the first terminal block

 - wiring of the ALTITUDE BUS 2 from the RA transceiver 2 (2SA2) to the first terminal block

 2. Job Set-up Information
 A. Referenced Information
 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------REFERENCE DESIGNATION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
AMM 34-42-00-740-002 BITE Test of the Radio Altimeter AMM 34-42-33-000-001 Removal of the Radio Altimeter Transceiver 2SA1 and 2SA2 AMM 34-42-33-400-001 Installation of the Radio Altimeter Transceiver 2SA1
 and 2SA2
 ASM 34-42/01
 ASM 34-42/02

 3. Fault Confirmation
 A. Test
 (1) Do the BITE test of the radio altimeter (Ref. AMM TASK 34-42-00-740-002) and make sure that the radio altitude indication is shown on the two PFDs.
 4. Fault Isolation
 A. If on the two PFDs the radio altitude indication is not shown and the red RA flag comes into view:
 - replace the XCVR-RA, 1 (2SA1)

 - replace the XCVR-RA, 2 (2SA2) (Ref. AMM TASK 34-42-33-000-001) and (Ref. AMM TASK 34-42-33-400-001).

 (1) If the fault continues:
 - do a check of the wiring of the ALTITUDE BUS 2 from the RA transceiver 1 (2SA1) to the first terminal block (Ref. ASM 34-42/01).
 「一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一1 EFF : ALL ∞∞34-42-00∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞Page 244
 Feb 01/05R CES

 (a) If there is no continuity:

 - repair the above wiring.

 (b) If there is continuity:

 - do a check and repair the wiring of the ALTITUDE BUS 2 from the RA transceiver 2 (2SA2) to the first terminal block (Ref. ASM 34-42/02).
 B. Do the test given in Para. 3.
 「一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一1 EFF : ALL ∞∞34-42-00∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞Page 245
 Feb 01/05R
 CES  Loss of the RA Indication on the CAPT PFD

 1. Possible Causes
 - DMC-1 (1WT1)

 - XCVR-RA, 1 (2SA1)

 - wiring of the RA2 INPUT bus from the DMC1 (1WT1) to the first terminal block

 - wiring of the RA1 INPUT bus from the DMC1 (1WT1) to the first terminal block
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本文链接地址:A320 Trouble Shooting Manual 排故手册 导航 NAVIGATION 3(42)