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时间:2010-07-22 19:15来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin
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by the transponder as segments are received.
Note.- Segments lost in uplink transmission are noted by their absence in the TAS report and are retransmitted
by the interrogator which will then send furtherFnu1 segments to assess the extent of message conzpletion. TAS, transnzission acknowledgement sub$,field in MD. This 16-bit (17-32) downlink subfield in MD
reports the segment numbers received so far in an uplink ELM sequence. Starting with bit 17, whicl denotes segment
number 0, each of the following bits shall be set to ONE if the corresponding segment of the sequence has been received.
TAS shall appear in MD if KE equals 1 in the same reply. Intermediate segment tran.$eer: The interrogator shall transfer intermediate segments by transmitting
Comm-C interrogations with RC equals 1. The transponder shall store the segments and update TAS only d the setup of is in effect and if the received NC is smaller than the value stored at receipt of the initial segment. No rcply
shall be generated on receipt of an intermediate segment.
Note.- Intermediate segments may be transmitted in any oril: Final segment transfez The interrogator shall transfer a final segment by transmitting a Comm-C
interrogation with RC equals 2. This interrogation may contain any message segment. The transponder shall store the
content of the MC field and update TAS if the setup of is in effect and if the received NC is smaller than
the value of the initial segment NC. The transponder shall reply under all circumstances as per
Note.- RC equals 2 is transmitted any time that the interrogator wants to receive the TAS subfield in the reply.
Therefore, more than one '>nalW segment may be transferred during the delivery ofan uplink ELM. Acknowledgement reply. On receipt of a final segment, the transponder shall transmit a Comm-D reply
(DF = 24), with KE equals 1 and with the TAS subficld in the MD field. This reply shall be transmitted at 128
microseconds plus or minus 0.25 microsecond following the sync phase reversal of the interrogation delivefing the final
segment. Co~rpletedm essage. The transponder shall deem the message complete if all segments announced by NC
in the initializing segment have been received. If the message is complete, the message content shall be delivered to the
outside via the ELM interface of and cleared. No later-arriving segments shall be stored. The TAS content
shall remain unchanged until either a new setup is called for ( or until closeout ( C-timer restart. The C-timer shall be restarted each time that a received segment is stored and the
Cornm-C II is not 0.
Note.- The requirement for the Comm-C I1 to be non-zem prevents the C-timer from being restarted during a nonselective
uplink ELM transaction. Multisite uplink ELM closeout. The interrogator shall close out a muldsite uplink ELM by transmitting
either a surveillance or a Comm-A interrogation containing:
either DI = I
IIS = assigned interrogator identifier
MES = 2, 6 or 7 (uplink ELM closeout)
or DI = 0, 1 or 7
IIS = assigned interrogator identifier
PC = 5 @plink ELM closeout)
The transponder shall compare the IIS of the interrogation to the Comm-C I1 and if the interrogator identifiers do not
match, the state of the ELM uplink process shall not bc changed.
If the interrogator identifiers match, the transponder shall set the Comm-C 11 to 0, reset the C-timer, clear the stored TAS
and discard any stored segments of an incomplete message.
Annex I0 - Aeronautical Telecommunications Volume IV Automatic multisite uplink ELM closeout. If the C-timer period expires before a adtisite closeout has
been accomplished the closeour actions described in shall be initiated automatically by the transponder. NON-SELECTIVE UPLINK ELM
Note.- In cases where the multisite protocols are not required (for example, no overlapping coverage or sensor
coordination via ground-to-ground communication), the non-selective uplink ELM protocol may be used.
Non-selective uplink ELM delivery shall take place as for multisite uplink ELMs described in The interrogator
shall close out an uplink ELM by transmitting PC equals 5 (uplink ELM closeout) in a surveillance or Comm-A
interrogation. On rcccipt of this command, the transponder shall perform closeout, unless the C-timer is running. If the
C-timer is running, indicating that a multisite reservation is in effect, the closeout shall be accomplished as per An uncompleted message, present when the closeout is accepted, shall be cancelled. ENHANCEDU PLINK E mP ROTOCOL
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