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时间:2010-07-22 19:15来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin
曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者 7.2 Rvcovery Following desensitization, the receiver shall recover sensitivity (within 3 dB of minimum
triggering level) within 15 microseconds after reception of a desensitizing pulse having a signal, strength up to 50 dB above
minimum triggering level. Recovery shall bc at an average rate not exceeding 4.0 dB per microsecond.
Annex 10 - Aeronautical Telecornrnunicatiorzs Volume IV Random triggering rate. In the absence of valid interrogation signals, Mode A/C transponders shall not
generate more lhan 30 unwanted Mode A or Mode C replies per second as integrated over an interval equivalent to at least
300 random triggers, or 30 seconds, whichever is less. This random triggering rate shall not be exceeded when all possible
interfering equipments installed in the same aircraft are operating at maximum interference levels. REPLY RATE
3~ The transponder shall be capable of at least 1 200 replies per second for a 15-pulse coded reply, except
that, for transponder installations used solely below 4 500 m (15 000 ft), or below a lesser altitude eslablished by the
appropriate authority or by regional air navigation agreement, transponders capable of at least 1 000 replies per second
for a 15-pulse coded reply shall be permitted. Reply rate limit control. To protect the system from lhe effects of transponder over-interrogation by
preventing response to weaker signals when a predetermined reply rate has been reached, a sensilivi~yre duction type reply
lim~ct ontrol shall be incorporated in the equipment. The range of this control shall permit adjustment, as a minimum, to
any value between 500 and 2 000 replies per second, or to the maximum reply rate capability if less than 2 000 replies
per second, without regard to the nunlber of pulses in each reply. Sensitivity reduclion irl excess of 3 dl3 shall not take
effecl until 90 per cent of the selected value is exceeded. Sensitivity reduction shall be at least 30 dB for rates in excess
of 150 per cent of the selected value. Recommendation.- The reply rate limit should be set at 1 200 replies per second, or the maximum vulue
below 1 200 replies per second of which the transponder is capable. Reply delay and jitter: The time delay between the arrival, at the transponder receiver, of the leading edge
of P3 and the trans~nission of the leading edge of the first pulse of the reply shall be 3 plus or minus 0.5 microseconds.
The lotal jitler of the reply pulse code group, with respect to P3, shall not exceed 0.1 microsecond for receiver inpul levels
between 3 dB and 50 dB above minimum triggering level. Delay variations between modes on which the transponder is
capable of replying shall not exceed 0.2 microsecond. 1 TRANSPONDPEORW ER OUTPUT AND DUTY CYCLE 1.1 Thc peak pulse powcr available at thc antenna end of lhc transmission line of the transponder shall be
at least 21 dB and not more lhan 27 dB above 1 W, except lhat for transponder installations used solely below 4 500 m
(15 000 ft), or below a lesser altitude established by the appropriate authority or by regional air navigation agreement, a
peak pulse powcr available at the antenna end of the transmission line of the transponder of at least 18.5 dB and not more
than 27 dB above 1 W shall be permilled. Recommendation.- The peak pulse power specified in I shou6d be main,tained over a range
of repliesfrom code 0000 at a rate of 400 replies per second to a maxim.um pulse content at a rate of 1 200 replies per
second or u muxirnum value below 1 200 replies per second of whiclz the transponder is ccapble. Identij5cation. The reply to a Mode A interrogation shall consist of the two framing pulses specified in together with the infurmation pulses (Mode A code) specified in
Note.- The Mode A code designation is a sequence o f four digits in accordance with The Mode A code shall be manually selected from the 4 096 codes available. Pressure-altitude transmission. The reply to Mode C interrogation shall consist of the two framing pulses
specified in above. When digitized pressure-altitude information is available, the information pulses specified in shall also be lransrnitted. Transponders shall be provided with means to remove the information pulses but lo retain the framing
pulses when the provision of below is not complied wilh in reply to Mode C interrogation.
Chapter 3 Annex 10 - Aeronautical Telecommunications The informalion pulses shall be automarically selected by an analog-to-digilal converter connected to
a pressure-altitude data source in the aircraft referenced to the standard pressure setting of 1 013.25 hectopascals.
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