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时间:2010-07-22 19:15来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin
曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者 Reply preamblc. The preamble shall consist of four pulses, each with a duration of 0.5 microsecond. The
pulse intervals from the first transmitted pulse to the second, third and fourth transmitled pulses shall bc 1, 3.5 and 4.5
microseconds, respectively. Reply data pulses. The reply data block shall begin 8 microseconds after the leading edge of the fira
transmitted pulse. Either 56 or 112 one-microsecond bil intervals shall be assigned to each transmission. A 0.5-
microsecond pulse shall be transmitted either in the first or in the second half of each interval. When a pulsc transmitted
in the second half of one irltcrval is followed by another pulse lransmitted in the tirsi half of the next interval, rhr two
pulses merge and a one-microsecond pulse shall be transmitted. Pulse amplitudes. The pulse amplitude variation bclween one pulse and any other pulse in a Mode S reply
shall not exceed 2 dB.
Chapter 3 Annex 10 - Aeronautical Telecommunications
I .. . I
Figure 3-5. Required spectrum limits for transponder transmitt~r
Note.- This figlire shows the spectrunz centred on the carrier frequency and will thecfore shift in its entirety plus or minus
I MHz along with the carrier frequency.
Annex 10 - Aeronautical Telecommunications Volume ZV
Table 3-2. Pulse shapes - Mode S replies
Duration (Rise time) (Decay time)
Pulse duration tolerance Min. Max. Min. MCLI:
0.5 20.05 0.05 0.1 0.05 0.2
1.0 +0.05 0.05 0.1 0.05 0.2
Preamble Data block
8.0 ys 56 or 112 ps e
it 4 1 1 ~ - [1Bit N ( ---r--- ---Ffi*"r...r".- --- -r---'
I ! O ; : i ! l i o i l : o i
0.0 0.5 1.0 3.5 4.5 8.0 9.0
Time (ps) I I
Example.- Reply data block 1 ° 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1
correspondi~~tog bit sequence
0010. . . . 001
Figure 3-6. Mode S reply MODE S DATA STRUCTURE DATA ENCODING lnterrogafion data. The interrogation data block shall consist of the sequence of 56 or 112 data chips
positioned after the data phase reversals within P6 ( A 180-degree carrier phase reversal preceding a chip
shall characterize that chip as a binary ONE Thc absence of a preceding phase reversal shall denote a binary ZERO. Reply data. The reply dala block shall consist of 56 or 112 data bits formed by binary pulse position
modulation encoding of the reply data as described in A pulse transmitted in the first half of the interval
shall represent a binary ONE whereas a pulse ~rarrsmittedi n the secor~dh alf shall represent a binary ZERO. Bit numbering. The bits shall be numbered in the order of their transmission, beginning with bit 1. Unless
otherwise stated, numerical values encoded by groups (fields) uf bits shall be encoded using positive binary nolation and
the first bit transrnittcd shall be the most significant bil (MSB). Information shall be coded in fields which consist of at
least one bit.
Note.- XIZ tlze description of Mode S fornlats the decimal equivalent of the binary code formed by the bit sequence
within a field is used as the designator of the fieldfinction or conzmand.
Chapter 3 Annex 10 - Aeronautical Telecnrnrnunicatio~zs F ~ x M A T S OF MODE S INTERROGATIONS AND REPLIES
Note.- A summary of all Mode S irzterrogation and reply formats is presented in Figures 3-7 and 3-8. A surrinzay of
all fields appearing in uplink and downlink forniats is given in Table 3-3 and a sunz~nalyo f all ~ubjieldi~s ~gi ven In
Table 3-4. Es,rentialfields. Every Mode 8 transmission shall contain two essential fields. One is a descriptor which
shall uniquely define the format of the transmission. This shall appear at the beginning of the transmission for all
formats. The descriptors are designated by the UF (uplink format) or DF (downlink format) fields. The second essential
field shall be a 24-bit field appearing at the end of each transmission and shall contain parity information. In all uplink
and in currently defined downlink formats parity information shall be overlaid either on the aircraft address
( or on the interrogator identifier according to The designators are AP (address/parity) or PI
(paritylinterrogator identifier).
Note.- The remaining coding space is used to transmit the mission fields. For specific functions, a spcclj7c set of
mission fields is prescribed. Mode S mission$elds have two-letter designators. Subfields may appear within mission fields.
Mode S subfields are labelled with three-letter designators. UF: Uplink format. This uplink format field (5 bits long except in format 24 where it is 2 bits long) shall
serve as the uplink format descriptor in all Mode S interrogations and shall be coded according to Figure 3-7.
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