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时间:2010-07-22 19:15来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin
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a) the insertion of DR code 4 or 5, ( into replies with DF 4, 5, 20 or 21; and
b) the starting of the B-timer. 1.4.2 Extraction. To extmct the broadcast message, an interrogator shall transmit RR equals 16 and DI not
equal to 7 or RR equals 16 and DI equals 7 with RRS equals 0 in a subsequent interrogation. 1.4.3 Expiration. When the B-timer period expires, the transponder shall clear the DR code for this message,
discard the present broadcast message and change the broadcast message number (from 1 to 2 or 2 to 1) in preparation
for a subscqucnt Comm-B broadcast. Interruption. In order tu prevent a Comm-B broadcast cycle from delaying the delivery of an airinitiated
Comm-I3 message, provision shall be made for an air initiated Comm-B to interrupt a Comm-B broadcast cycle.
If a broadcast cycle is interrupted, the B-limer shall be reset, the inrcrmpted broadcast message shall be retained and the
message number shall not be changed. Delivery of the intern~pted broadcast messaee shall recommence when no airinitiated
Comm-B transaction is in effect. l'hc message shall then be broadcast for the full duration of the B-timer.
Annex 10 - Aeronautical Telecommunicaliorzs Volume IV Enhanced broadcast Cornnz-B protocol. A broadcast Comm-B message shall be announced to all
interrogators using I1 codes. The message shall remain active for the period of the B-timer for each I1 code. The provision
for interrupt1011 of a broadcast by non-broadcast Comm-B as specified in shall apply separately to each II
code. When the B-~imerp eriod has been achieved for all I1 codcs, the broadcast message shall be automatically cleared
as specilicd in 1.4.3. A new broadcast rnessagc shall not be initiated until the current broadcast has been cleared.
Note.- Due to the fact that broadcast message interruption occurs independently for euch II code, it is possible that
the broadcast message tiineout will occur at different times for different I1 codes. The data formats for broadcast Cornm-B shall be as specified in Appendix 1 to Chapter 5 of Annex
Note 1.- Long messages, either on the uplink or the downlink, can be transferred by the extended length message
(ELM)p rotocols through tl~eu se of Comm-C (UF = 24) and Comm-D (DF - 24) formats respectively The ELM uplink
protocol provides for- the tmrzuitission on the ziplink U [ L ~ tIu ~ixteen80 -bitr nessagc segments before requiring a reply from
the tmnrponder They ulso ullow a correspondi~~pgro cedure on the downlink.
Note 2.- 112 so~ne areas of overlapping znterrogutor coverage there may be no meuns for coordinating interrogator
uctivities viu ground communications. Howevel; the ELM communication protocols require more than one transactiorz for
conzpletion; coordination is thzls necessary to ensure that segments from different messages are not interleaved and that
transactions are not inadvertently closed out by the wrong interrogutor This can be uccomplished throzlgh the use of the
rnultisitc cornrn~~nicationpsr otocols or through the use of the enhanced ELM protocols.
Note 3.- Uownllnk extended len,gth messuges are trunsmitted only after uuthorization by the interrogator: The segments
to be trun~mitted ure contained in Comnz-D replies. As with air-initiated Comrn-B messages, downlink ELMS are either
bnrlourracd lu ull interrogators or directed to a specific inrerrogator: In the former case an individual interrogator con use
the mrlltisite protocol to reserve ,for itself the ability to close out the downlink ELM transaction. A trunsponder can be
instructed TO identify the intcrrogutor tkut has reserved tlte transponder for urL ELM trar~sacliun. Only lhut interrogutor
can close out the ELM tran,saction and resewution
Note 4.- The m~tltisite protocol and the non-selective protocol cannor be used simultuneously in a region of
overlappir~g interrogator coverage unless tlze interrogutors cnordinute their cn~nmunicutions uctivities via ground
commnnicutions. COMM-C. UPLINK FORMAT 24
The format of this interrogation shall consist of thcsc f clds:
Field Reference
UF uplink format
RC reply control
NC number of C-segment
MC message, Comm-C
AP addresslparity RCr Reply control. This 2-bit (3-4) uplink field shall designale segment significance and reply decision.
Chapter 3 Annex 10 - Aeronautical Telecommunications
RC = 0 signifies uplink ELM initial segment in MC
= 1 signifies uplink ELM intermediate segment in MC
= 2 signifies uplink ELM final segment in MC
= 3 signifies a request for downlink ELM delivery ( NC: Number of C-segment. This 4-bit (5-8) uplink field shall designate the number of the message
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