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时间:2011-03-27 12:57来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空
曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者

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 5. Close-up
 Subtask 71-22-11-410-064
 A. Close Access
 (1) Make sure that the work area is clean and clear of tool(s) and other items.

 (3) Remove the access platform(s).

R (2) Install the Aft Engine Mount (Ref. TASK 71-22-11-400-041).
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R TASK 71-22-11-210-042
R Detailed Visual Inspection of the Aft Engine Mount with the Engine Installed
R 1. Reason for the Job__________________
R Refer to the MPD TASK: 712211-03
R 2. Job Set-up Information______________________
R A. Fixtures, Tools, Test and Support Equipment
R -------------------------------------------------------------------------------R REFERENCE QTY DESIGNATION R -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
R No specific clean cloth R No specific flashlight R No specific inspection mirror R No specific warning notice R No specific access platform 1 m (3 ft. 3 in.)
R B. Referenced Information
R -------------------------------------------------------------------------------R REFERENCE DESIGNATION R -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
R  71-22-11-000-041  Removal of the Aft Engine Mount 
R  71-22-11-400-041  Installation of the Aft Engine Mount 
R  78-30-00-081-041  Make the Thrust Reverser Serviceable after 
R  Maintenance 
R  78-30-00-481-041  Make the Thrust Reverser Unserviceable for 
R  Maintenance 
R  78-36-00-010-040  Opening of the Thrust Reverser Doors 
R  78-36-00-410-040  Closing of the Thrust Reverser Doors 
R  71-22-11-991-305  Fig. 601 
R  71-22-11-991-306  Fig. 602 
R  71-22-11-991-308  Fig. 603

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 3. Job Set-up
 Subtask 71-22-11-941-057

 A. Safety Precautions
 (1) On the center pedestal, on the ENG panel 115VU:

 (a) Put a warning notice to tell persons not to start the engine.

 (2) Make sure that the engine 1(2) shutdown occurred not less than 5 minutes before you do this procedure.

 (3) On the overhead maintenance panel 50VU:

 (a) Make sure that the ON legend of the ENG/FADEC GND PWR/1(2) pushbutton switch is off.

 (b) Put a warning notice to tell persons not to energize the FADEC 1(2).


 (4) Put the access platform in position.
 Subtask 71-22-11-040-057

 B. Make the thrust reverser unserviceable (Ref. TASK 78-30-00-481-041). Subtask 71-22-11-010-067

 C. Open the thrust reverser doors: (Ref. TASK 78-36-00-010-040)
 FOR 1000EM1
 451AL, 452AR
 FOR 1000EM2
 461AL, 462AR

 4. Procedure
 Subtask 71-22-11-210-061

 A. Do a Detailed Visual Inspection of the Aft Engine Mount (Ref. Fig. 601/TASK 71-22-11-991-305, 602/TASK 71-22-11-991-306, 603/TASK 71-22-11-991-308)
 (1) Clean any dirt or unwanted material from the aft engine mount with a R clean cloth. Use a flashlight and an inspection mirror to examine R areas of the engine mount that are hard to see.
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R R  Aft Engine Mount Figure 601/TASK 71-22-11-991-305
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R R  Aft Engine Mount Cross Beam Figure 602/TASK 71-22-11-991-306
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R R  Aft Engine Mount Link Figure 603/TASK 71-22-11-991-308
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R (2) Do this inspection on those areas of the aft engine mount that are R visible without the removal of any hardware.

R -------------------------------------------------------------------------------R INSPECT/CHECK MAXIMUM REMARKS R SERVICEABLE LIMITS R -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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本文链接地址:A320飞机维护手册 AMM 动力装置 POWER PLANT 2(8)