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时间:2010-07-13 10:51来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin
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those budget estimates.
Rule 43
a) At meetings of any body of the Assembly other than
bodies of limited membership, each Contracting State
represented by an accredited delegation shall be entitled
to one vote, unless the voting power of such State has
been suspended by the Assembly under the terms of the
Convention. Advisers shall not be entitled to cast a vote
on behalf of their delegations in plenary meetings of the
Assembly, but may do so elsewhere.
b) In meetings of bodies of limited membership each duly
appointed member thereof shall be entitled to one vote.
c) Observers representing non-Contracting States or international
organizations shall not be entitled to vote.
Voting Rights
Rule 44
The presiding officer of the Assembly, or of any of its bodies,
shall have the right to cast the vote of his State.
Rule 45
Except as otherwise provided in the Convention, decisions shall
be by a majority of the votes cast [Convention, Article 48 c)].
An abstention shall not be considered as a vote.
Rule 46
Voting shall normally be by voice, by show of hands, or by
standing, but at the request of any delegation of a Contracting
State there shall be a roll-call, which shall be taken in the
English alphabetical order of the names of the Contracting
States, beginning with the State whose name is drawn by lot
by the presiding officer. The vote of each delegation
participating in a roll-call shall be recorded in the minutes, as
required by Rule 65.
Rule 47
The vote on any question shall be by secret ballot if the
delegations of two or more Contracting States so request and
the request is not opposed. In case of opposition the question
whether there shall be a secret ballot shall be decided by a
majority of votes cast in secret ballot. The provisions of this
Rule shall prevail over those of Rule 46.
Rule 48
On request of the delegation of any Contracting State and
unless opposed by a majority of those voting, parts of a
motion shall be voted on separately. The resulting motion
shall then be put to a final vote in its entirety.
Voting of
Method of
Secret Ballot
Division of
Rule 49
Any amendment to a motion shall be voted on before a vote is
taken on the motion. When two or more amendments are
moved to a motion, the vote should be taken on them in their
order of remoteness to the original motion, commencing with
the most remote. The presiding officer shall determine
whether a proposed amendment is so related to the motion as
to constitute a proper amendment thereto, or whether it must
be considered as an alternative or substitute motion; this ruling
may be reversed by a majority of votes cast.
Rule 50
Alternative or substitute motions shall, unless the meeting
otherwise decides, be put to vote in the order in which they are
presented, and after the disposal of the original motion. The
presiding officer shall decide whether it is necessary to put
such alternative or substitute motions to vote in the light of the
vote on the original motions and any amendments thereto; this
ruling may be reversed by a majority of votes cast.
Rule 51
A vote on any motion or amendment shall be postponed upon
request of any member of the delegation of a Contracting State
until copies of the motion have been available to all
delegations for at least twenty-four hours. Such postponement
may be denied by a majority of votes cast.
Rule 52
In the event of a tie vote, a second vote on the motion
concerned shall be taken at the next meeting, unless the body
concerned decides that such second vote be taken during the
Voting on
Voting on
Alternative or
of Voting
Tie Vote
meeting at which the tie vote took place. Unless there is a
majority in favour of the motion on this second vote, it shall
be considered lost.
Rule 53
The four-fifths and two-thirds vote of the Assembly required
under Articles 93 and 94 a) respectively of the Convention
shall be construed as meaning four-fifths and two-thirds of the
total number of Contracting States represented at the
Assembly and qualified to vote at the time the vote is taken.
For the purpose of establishing this total, there shall be
excluded from the total number of Contracting States for
which delegations had, at any time either immediately prior to
or during the Assembly, filed their credentials:
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