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时间:2010-07-13 10:51来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin
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commission may be accorded precedence for the purpose of
explaining the conclusions arrived at by the body concerned.
In commission meetings, a similar precedence may be given to
the chairmen of subcommissions and working groups.
Rule 36
During the discussion of any matter, and notwithstanding the
provisions of Rule 34, a member of the delegation of a
Contracting State may at any time raise a point of order, and
the point of order shall be immediately decided by the
presiding officer. Any member of a delegation representing a
Contracting State may appeal against the ruling of the
presiding officer. The appeal shall be immediately put to vote,
and the ruling of the presiding officer shall stand unless
of Certain Rules
to Subcommissions
Points of
overruled by a majority of votes cast. A member of a
delegation raising a point of order may speak only on this
point, and may not speak on the substance of the matter under
discussion before the point was raised.
Rule 37
A presiding officer may, with the approval of the Assembly or
of the body concerned, limit the time allowed to each speaker.
Rule 38
A motion or amendment shall not be discussed until it has
been seconded. Motions and amendments may be presented
and seconded only by members of delegations of Contracting
Rule 39
No motion may be withdrawn if an amendment to it is under
discussion or has been adopted.
Rule 40
Any member of the delegation of a Contracting State may
move at any time the suspension or adjournment of the
meeting, the adjournment of the debate on any question, the
deferment of discussion of an item, or the closure of the
debate on an item. After such a motion has been made and
explained by its proposer, only one speaker shall normally be
allowed to speak in opposition to it, and no further speeches
shall be made in its support before a vote is taken. Additional
speeches on such a motion may be allowed at the discretion of
the presiding officer, who shall decide the priority of
Time Limit
on Speeches
Motions and
Withdrawal of
Rule 41
Subject to the provisions of Rule 36, the following motions
shall have priority over all other motions, and shall be taken in
the following order:
a) to suspend the meeting;
b) to adjourn the meeting;
c) to adjourn the debate on an item;
d) to defer the debate on an item;
e) for closure of the debate on an item.
Rule 42
Reopening within the same body and at the same session of a
debate already completed by a vote on a given item shall
require a majority of votes cast. Permission to speak on a
motion to reopen shall normally be accorded only to the
proposer and to one speaker in opposition, after which it shall
be immediately put to vote: when a larger number of speeches
is allowed by the presiding officer, priority of recognition
shall be given to the leading participants in the debate affected
by the motion, or in the sponsorship of or opposition to the
proposal that would be affected. Speeches on a motion to
reopen shall be limited in content to matters bearing directly
on the justification of reopening. Discussion of the substance
of the question at issue will be in order only if, and after, the
motion to reopen prevails.
Rule 42A
a) No resolution or other form of action involving
expenditure not provided for in the budget estimates shall
be recommended by a commission or committee for
approval by the Plenary before the Secretary General
Order of
of Proposal
Outside Budget
presents to such commission or committee his estimate of
the expenditure involved.
b) If a commission or a committee decides to recommend
to the Assembly approval of a proposal of the type
described in paragraph a) above, it shall accompany its
recommendation with an estimate of expenditure
prepared by the Secretary General and it shall inform the
Administrative Commission that it is making that
recommendation to the Assembly.
c) No recommendation of a commission or a committee
which would involve expenditure not provided for in the
budget estimates shall be voted by the Assembly until the
Administrative Commission has had an opportunity of
stating the repercussions of the recommendation upon
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