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时间:2010-07-13 10:51来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin
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Organization shall act as Secretary General of the Assembly and
shall provide and direct the staff required by the Assembly and
its committees, commissions, subcommissions and working
Rule 24
Meetings of the Assembly, its commissions and subcommissions
shall be held in public unless any such body
decides that any of its meetings shall be held in private.
of Contracting
States on Commissions,
and Working
Officers of
and Working
Duties of the
Meetings of committees and working groups shall not be open
to the public except by decision of the committee or working
group concerned.
Rule 25
Observers may participate without vote in the deliberations of
the Assembly, its commissions and subcommissions when
their meetings are not held in private. In the case of meetings
of bodies of limited membership, observers may also attend
and participate without vote in the meetings of such a body if
invited by that body or by the officer by whom the members
of that body were originally appointed. With respect to private
meetings, individual observers may be invited by the body
concerned to attend and be heard.
Rule 26
Notwithstanding any of these Rules, observers of the United
Nations may attend the meetings of the Assembly and its
commissions and committees and may participate without vote
in the deliberations of these bodies.
Rule 27
Members of delegations of Contracting States not represented
in a body of limited membership may attend and participate
without vote in the meetings of such body, except when the
officer by whom the members of that body were originally
appointed authorizes the body to meet with attendance limited
to its membership and to such other persons as that body may
Rule 28
A majority of the Contracting States shall constitute a quorum
for the plenary meetings of the Assembly. A majority of the
of Observers
United Nations
Bodies of
Contracting States represented in the Assembly shall constitute
a quorum for meetings of the Executive Committee. The
Executive Committee shall determine the quorum for other
committees and commissions in any case when it is considered
necessary that a quorum be established.
Rule 29
The presiding officer in the Assembly and any of its bodies
shall declare the opening and closing of each meeting, direct
the discussion, ensure observance of these Rules, accord the
right to speak, put questions and announce decisions. He shall
rule on points of order and, subject to these Rules, shall have
complete control of the proceedings of the body concerned
and over the maintenance of order at its meetings.
Rule 30
The President of the Council, the Secretary General, or a
member of the Secretariat designated by him as his
representative, may, at any time, make either oral or written
statements to the Assembly or any body thereof concerning
any question under consideration by it.
Rule 31
Plenary meetings shall be held on the call of the President of
the Assembly or on the direction of the Executive Committee.
Rule 32
If the President of the Assembly finds it necessary to be absent
during the whole or part of a plenary meeting of the Assembly
or during the whole or part of a meeting of the Executive
Committee or Coordinating Committee, he shall appoint one
of the vice-presidents to take his place.
Powers of
Statements by
President of the
Council and by
Calling of
Rule 33
Except as otherwise specifically provided, the subsequent
Rules of this section shall not apply to subcommissions and
working groups, which shall conduct their deliberations
Rule 34
a) The presiding officer shall call upon speakers in the order
in which they have expressed their desire to speak; he
may call a speaker to order if his observations are not
relevant to the subject under discussion.
b) Generally, no representative should be called to speak a
second time on any question except for clarification, until
all other representatives desiring to speak have had an
opportunity to do so.
Rule 35
At plenary meetings, the chairman of a committee or
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