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时间:2010-05-28 01:19来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin
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published, as the systems become operational, in the
A/FD, and where applicable, on published Instrument
Approach Procedures. Selected individual
systems may be incorporated into nationwide data
collection and dissemination networks in the future.
c. AWOS Broadcasts. Computer‐generated
voice is used in AWOS to automate the broadcast of
the minute‐by‐minute weather observations. In
addition, some systems are configured to permit the
addition of an operator‐generated voice message;
e.g., weather remarks following the automated
parameters. The phraseology used generally follows
that used for other weather broadcasts. Following are
explanations and examples of the exceptions.
2/14/08 AIM
Meteorology 7-1-25
1. Location and Time. The location/name and
followed by the time are announced.
(a) If the airport's specific location is
included in the airport's name, the airport's name is
“Bremerton National Airport automated weather observation,
one four five six zulu;”
“Ravenswood Jackson County Airport automated weather
observation, one four five six zulu.”
(b) If the airport's specific location is not
included in the airport's name, the location is
announced followed by the airport's name.
“Sault Ste. Marie, Chippewa County International Airport
automated weather observation;”
“Sandusky, Cowley Field automated weather
(c) The word “TEST” is added following
“OBSERVATION” when the system is not in
commissioned status.
“Bremerton National Airport automated weather observation
test, one four five six zulu.”
is added when the system is inoperative.
“Bremerton National Airport automated weather observing
system temporarily inoperative.”
2. Visibility.
(a) The lowest reportable visibility value in
AWOS is “less than 1/4.” It is announced as
(b) A sensor for determining visibility is not
included in some AWOS. In these systems, visibility
is not announced. “VISIBILITY MISSING” is
announced only if the system is configured with a
visibility sensor and visibility information is not
3. Weather. In the future, some AWOSs are to
be configured to determine the occurrence of
precipitation. However, the type and intensity may
not always be determined. In these systems, the word
“PRECIPITATION” will be announced if precipitation
is occurring, but the type and intensity are not
4. Ceiling and Sky Cover.
(a) Ceiling is announced as either “CEILING”
exception of indefinite ceilings, all automated ceiling
heights are measured.
“Bremerton National Airport automated weather observation,
one four five six zulu. Ceiling two thousand overcast;”
“Bremerton National Airport automated weather observation,
one four five six zulu. Indefinite ceiling twohundred,
sky obscured.”
(b) The word “Clear” is not used in AWOS
due to limitations in the height ranges of the sensors.
No clouds detected is announced as “NO CLOUDS
BELOW XXX” or, in newer systems as “CLEAR
BELOW XXX” (where XXX is the range limit of the
“No clouds below one two thousand.”
“Clear below one two thousand.”
(c) A sensor for determining ceiling and sky
cover is not included in some AWOS. In these
systems, ceiling and sky cover are not announced.
“SKY CONDITION MISSING” is announced only if
the system is configured with a ceilometer and the
ceiling and sky cover information is not available.
5. Remarks. If remarks are included in the
observation, the word “REMARKS” is announced
following the altimeter setting.
(a) Automated “Remarks.”
(1) Density Altitude.
(2) Variable Visibility.
(3) Variable Wind Direction.
(b) Manual Input Remarks. Manual input
remarks are prefaced with the phrase “OBSERVER
WEATHER.” As a general rule the manual remarks
are limited to:
(1) Type and intensity of precipitation.
(2) Thunderstorms and direction; and
AIM 2/14/08
7-1-26 Meteorology
(3) Obstructions to vision when the visibility
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