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时间:2010-05-28 01:19来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin
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In addition, the specialist will recommend
shifting to the Flight Watch frequency when
conditions along the intended route indicate that it
would be advantageous to do so.
g. Following any briefing, feel free to ask for any
information that you or the briefer may have missed
or are not understood. This way, the briefer is able to
present the information in a logical sequence, and
lessens the chance of important items being
7-1-5. En Route Flight Advisory Service
a. EFAS is a service specifically designed to
provide en route aircraft with timely and meaningful
weather advisories pertinent to the type of flight
intended, route of flight, and altitude. In conjunction
with this service, EFAS is also a central collection and
distribution point for pilot reported weather information.
EFAS is provided by specially trained specialists
in selected AFSSs controlling multiple Remote
Communications Outlets covering a large geographical
area and is normally available throughout the
conterminous U.S. and Puerto Rico from 6 a.m. to
10p.m. EFAS provides communications capabilities
for aircraft flying at 5,000 feet above ground level to
17,500 feet MSL on a common frequency of
122.0MHz. Discrete EFAS frequencies have been
established to ensure communications coverage from
18,000 through 45,000 MSL serving in each specific
ARTCC area. These discrete frequencies may be used
below 18,000 feet when coverage permits reliable
an EFAS outlet is located in a time zone different from
the zone in which the flight watch control station is located,
the availability of service may be plus or minus one hour
from the normal operating hours.
b. In some regions of the contiguous U.S.,
especially those that are mountainous, it is necessary
to be above 5000 feet AGL in order to be at an altitude
where the EFAS frequency, 122.0 MHz, is available.
Pilots should take this into account when flight
planning. Other AFSS communication frequencies
may be available at lower altitudes. See FIG 7-1-2.
c. Contact flight watch by using the name of the
ARTCC facility identification serving the area of
your location, followed by your aircraft identification,
and the name of the nearest VOR to your
position. The specialist needs to know this
approximate location to select the most appropriate
transmitter/receiver outlet for communications
Flight Watch, Cessna One Two Three Four Kilo,
Mansfield V-O-R, over.
d. Charts depicting the location of the flight watch
control stations (parent facility) and the outlets they
use are contained in the A/FD. If you do not know in
which flight watch area you are flying, initiate contact
by using the words “Flight Watch,” your aircraft
identification, and the name of the nearest VOR. The
facility will respond using the name of the flight
watch facility.
Watch, Cessna One Two Three Four Kilo,
MansfieldV-O-R, over.
e. AFSSs that provide En Route Flight Advisory
Service are listed regionally in the A/FDs.
f. EFAS is not intended to be used for filing or
closing flight plans, position reporting, getting
complete preflight briefings, or obtaining random
weather reports and forecasts. En route flight
advisories are tailored to the phase of flight that
2/14/08 AIM
Meteorology 7-1-9
begins after climb‐out and ends with descent to land.
Immediate destination weather and terminal aerodrome
forecasts will be provided on request. Pilots
requesting information not within the scope of flight
watch will be advised of the appropriate AFSS/FSS
frequency to obtain the information. Pilot participation
is essential to the success of EFAS by providing
a continuous exchange of information on weather,
winds, turbulence, flight visibility, icing, etc.,
between pilots and flight watch specialists. Pilots are
encouraged to report good weather as well as bad, and
to confirm expected conditions as well as unexpected
to EFAS facilities.
7-1-6. Inflight Aviation Weather Advisories
a. Background
1. Inflight Aviation Weather Advisories are
forecasts to advise en route aircraft of development of
potentially hazardous weather. All inflight aviation
weather advisories in the conterminous U.S. are
issued by the Aviation Weather Center (AWC) in
Kansas City, Missouri. The Weather Forecast
Office(WFO) in Honolulu issues advisories for the
Hawaiian Islands. In Alaska, the Alaska Aviation
Weather Unit (AAWU) issues inflight aviation
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