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时间:2010-05-28 01:19来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin
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subparagraphs c1 through c3, pilots operating within
a Land-Based ADIZ must report landing or leaving
the Land-Based ADIZ if flying too low for radar
(b) Pilots unable to comply with all requirements
shall remain clear of Land-Based ADIZ. Pilots
entering a Land-Based ADIZ without authorization
or who fail to follow all requirements risk
interception by military fighter aircraft.
AIM 2/14/08
5-6-2 National Security and Interception Procedures
d. Except when applicable under 14 CFR
Section99.7, 14 CFR Part 99 does not apply to
aircraft operations:
1. Within the 48 contiguous states and the
District of Columbia, or within the State of Alaska,
and remains within 10 miles of the point of departure;
2. Over any island, or within three nautical
miles of the coastline of any island, in the Hawaii
ADIZ; or
3. Associated with any ADIZ other than the
Contiguous U.S. ADIZ, when the aircraft true
airspeed is less than 180 knots.
e. Authorizations to deviate from the requirements
of Part 99 may also be granted by the ARTCC, on a
local basis, for some operations associated with an
f. An airfiled VFR Flight Plan makes an aircraft
subject to interception for positive identification
when entering an ADIZ. Pilots are, therefore, urged
to file the required DVFR flight plan either in person
or by telephone prior to departure.
g. Special Security Instructions.
1. During defense emergency or air defense
emergency conditions, additional special security
instructions may be issued in accordance with the
Security Control of Air Traffic and Air Navigation
Aids (SCATANA) Plan.
2. Under the provisions of the SCATANA Plan,
the military will direct the action to be taken‐in regard
to landing, grounding, diversion, or dispersal of
aircraft and the control of air navigation aids in the
defense of the U.S. during emergency conditions.
3. At the time a portion or all of SCATANA is
implemented, ATC facilities will broadcast appropriate
instructions received from the military over
available ATC frequencies. Depending on instructions
received from the military, VFR flights may be
directed to land at the nearest available airport, and
IFR flights will be expected to proceed as directed by
4. Pilots on the ground may be required to file a
flight plan and obtain an approval (through FAA)
prior to conducting flight operation.
5. In view of the above, all pilots should guard
an ATC or FSS frequency at all times while
conducting flight operations.
5-6-2. Interception Procedures
a. General.
1. Identification intercepts during peacetime
operations are vastly different than those conducted
under increased states of readiness. Unless otherwise
directed by the control agency, intercepted aircraft
will be identified by type only. When specific
information is required (i.e., markings, serial
numbers, etc.) the interceptor aircrew will respond
only if the request can be conducted in a safe manner.
During hours of darkness or Instrument Meteorological
Conditions (IMC), identification of unknown
aircraft will be by type only. The interception pattern
described below is the typical peacetime method used
by air interceptor aircrews. In all situations, the
interceptor aircrew will use caution to avoid startling
the intercepted aircrew and/or passengers.
2. All aircraft operating in the U.S. national
airspace, if capable, will maintain a listening watch
on VHF guard 121.5 or UHF 243.0. It is incumbent
on all aviators to know and understand their
responsibilities if intercepted. Additionally, if the
U.S. military intercepts an aircraft and flares are
dispensed in the area of that aircraft, aviators will pay
strict attention, contact air traffic control immediately
on the local frequency or on VHF guard 121.5 or
UHF243.0 and follow the intercept's visual ICAO
signals. Be advised that noncompliance may result in
the use of force.
b. Intercept phases (See FIG 5-6-1).
1. Phase One- Approach Phase.
During peacetime, intercepted aircraft will be
approached from the stern. Generally two interceptor
aircraft will be employed to accomplish the
identification. The flight leader and wingman will
coordinate their individual positions in conjunction
with the ground controlling agency. Their relationship
will resemble a line abreast formation. At night
or in IMC, a comfortable radar trail tactic will be
used. Safe vertical separation between interceptor
aircraft and unknown aircraft will be maintained at all
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