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时间:2011-11-26 15:42来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空

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2.2  Practice and feedback
2.2.1  The second phase of CRM training is practice and feedback. Some programmes use role-playing techniques to provide group skills practice, as well as personality and attitude- measuring questionnaires as a means of providing feedback to individuals on their own interpersonal styles, some aspects of which they probably have not previously evaluated. Personality and attitude insights allow individuals to recognize some of their strengths and weaknesses. Role-playing or group exercises can provide useful practice in areas of crew decision-making and other skills discussed in the awareness phase of the CRM curriculum. The review of videotaped examples of good and poor team performance in both low- and high- workload flight regimes is another good practice technique.
2.2.2  Line-oriented flight training (LOFT) is a well-proven method of providing practice and feedback in crew co-ordination and CRM. LOFT is a group performance training exercise. Well-designed LOFT scenarios require the co-ordinated efforts of all crew members for successful crew performance. LOFT appears to be particularly effective when it is coupled with videotape feedback and self-critique. For further discussion of LOFT see Chapter 5.
2.2.3  If available, simulators should be utilized for LOFT exercises coupled with video feedback in a CRM training programme. If flight simulators are not available, role-playing exercises which require group problem-solving can be used with video feedback.
2.2.4  Videotape feedback is particularly effective because the third-person perspective creates a level of awareness not possible with other techniques. This perspective provides insight and provokes "self-critique" which appears to be a strong stimulant for attitude and behaviour change. It is virtually impossible to deny the presence of an ineffective managerial or interpersonal style if one sees it for oneself. Moreover, these video feedback exercises provide opportunities for peer critique. There is ample evidence for the effectiveness of the video feedback technique, which should be used whenever possible.
2.2.5  In the past, many CRM programmes have finished with the practice and feedback stage, and while crew members usually leave such programmes feeling that they have learned valuable lessons, these insights more often than not tend to fade very rapidly. Today we know that for a CRM programme to produce more than short-term insight, it must be reinforced and integrated into a recurrent training programme.

2.3  Reinforcement
2.3.1  The third phase is reinforcement. No matter how effective the CRM classroom curriculum, interpersonal drills, LOFT exercises, and feedback techniques are, a single exposure will be insufficient. Undesirable attitudes and norms which contribute to ineffective crew co-ordination are ubiquitous and have developed over a crew member's lifetime. It is unrealistic to expect a short training programme to counteract a lifetime of development. For maximum effect, CRM must be embedded in the total training programme, it must be continually reinforced, and it must become an inseparable part of the organization's culture. The last factor is often overlooked; however, it is clear that effective CRM training requires the support of the highest levels of management.
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本文链接地址:Flight Crew Training Cockpit Resource Management (CRM) and Line-Oriented Flight Training (LOFT)(8)