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时间:2011-11-26 15:42来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空

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5.3  Categories of training techniques
The CRM techniques fall into two categories: basic techniques that are important in all aspects of CRM training and techniques that are particularly effective in specific phases of training.
5.3.1  Basic techniques for all training phases:  Pacing (or timing) of the presentation of training material. This involves both the amount of material that is presented and the time frame in which it is given. Variables are the phase of training, the knowledge and experience of the trainees, and the specific techniques being used.  Credible co-ordination. This does not mean that the co-ordinator (instructor, lecturer, etc.) must be a line-qualified pilot, although considerable success has been achieved by maximizing the use of line pilots in this role. It is essential that trainee pilots recognize the co-ordinator as a subject expert, and perceive the subject as relevant and important to flight operations.

5.3.2  Techniques for specific training phases:  Seminars or workshops. Seminars or workshops are more effective if they can be held at a location that is isolated from the normal home or work environment, particularly for the awareness phase. However, this is not always possible and there are several examples of successful seminars held in the regular training setting.
One airline uses up to eighteen trainees for its seminars or workshops which are held in a private setting off the company premises. The group is then split into smaller teams of five or six for the interactive training phases. Prior to the seminar, trainees are also given a small amount of introductory material. The aims are to establish a conceptual framework for resource management and to motivate the trainees. Another airline runs workshops with twenty-five to thirty participants. The objectives are to provide individuals with insight into their own behaviour and reactions, and to provide ideas on how to deal with individual shortcomings and problems in normal, abnormal and emergency situations. The three-day workshop (eighteen hours) is then followed by a one and a half hour LOFT simulator exercise.  Panels. Panels are effective. This includes "expert" panels, participants panels, or a combination of the two. They can be presented live or through such media as audio or video cassettes.  Group exercises. A wide variety of group exercises have been used and found to be particularly useful.
CRM knowledge can be taught in a group or on a one-to-one basis. CRM skill acquisition and retention needs an interactive medium and a group.
Videotaping of group exercises is important for maximum effectiveness. While at least one airline gives the video cassette to the trainee because of its continued training potential, in another airline this is forbidden under an agreement with its pilots for fear of potential misuse. In such cases erasure after use is mandatory.
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本文链接地址:Flight Crew Training Cockpit Resource Management (CRM) and Line-Oriented Flight Training (LOFT)(15)