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时间:2011-11-26 15:42来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空

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The third theme deals with our pilots' changing perceptions of themselves as managers on one hand, and highly skilled professionals on the other. While we continue to emphasize the importance of the pilot in making operational decisions, the so-called marketing decisions have largely been removed from the pilot's domain. Even though this is the correct thing to do from a corporate viewpoint, it does leave many pilots feeling less trusted and admired as a member of the operations team.
There is another experience affecting our crew members. It is the perception among pilots that automation has lowered the requirement for their highly developed motor skills, thereby making them feel less needed and important. Because of this and other factors, they perceive that their general status both within the company, as well as in society in general, is decreasing. Here too, we are attempting to face this issue openly and helpfully in our developing CRM programme. Already we have completed one training module dealing with this subject, and another is in the testing phase.
These themes, which may or may not be specific to American Airlines, are being integrated into the other training experiences which include sessions devoted to leadership, management, communication, assertiveness, and the proper use of authority in the cockpit environment.
Perhaps the most innovative aspect of our new CRM programme is the concept of "career-long" training. All of us in aviation recognize the problem of degradation of skills over time. This is why we bring pilots back for proficiency checks and training as often as we do. Strangely enough, this has been less recognized when even more complex behaviours such as attitudinal change and personality development of flight crews were the goals of training. Early in the planning for the new CRM programme, we decided to confront this issue head on, and the emerging CRM instructional system will include simulator, frontal teaching and group laboratory experiences at least once a year for the entire career of the American Airlines pilot. In addition, because we are integrating the CRM programme into the regular and ongoing flight training as much as possible, we are able to accomplish this on a surprisingly cost-effective basis.
The CRM programme starts in the very first week of training for the new AA pilot. During what we call the Basic Indoctrination course, a half-day is devoted to teaching the principles of CRM. Within the next few months, a new training module dealing with the successful integration of the flight engineer as a participating crew member will be added to the programme. Thereafter, each time a crew member upgrades, he will attend a carefully designed and tested CRM training course which in addition to reviewing general CRM concepts, will focus upon the specific responsibilities, problems, and contributions common to that new position. Our Flight Academy is currently using advanced simulator LOFT training in initial, transition, and upgrade training programmes. As part of the over-all CRM effort, our flight managers are evaluating a recurrent LOFT training programme as recommended by the FAA. If this proves feasible, the recurrent CRM classroom day will be taught in conjunction with the LOFT training, with videotapes of the LOFT training used as a central focus of the classroom activities. To this end, the purchase of sophisticated video equipment has been approved. Every year the CRM teaching team will be collecting case histories of CRM incidents on the line. They will then translate these into LOFT scenarios and related training modules for use in the next year's training.
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本文链接地址:Flight Crew Training Cockpit Resource Management (CRM) and Line-Oriented Flight Training (LOFT)(23)