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时间:2011-11-26 15:42来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空

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CAP 720 Flight Crew Training: Cockpit Resource Management (CRM) and Line-Oriented Flight Training (LOFT)

What CRM Training Is 
CRM is a comprehensive system for improving crew performance. CRM addresses the entire crew population. CRM is a system that can be extended to all forms of flight crew training. CRM concentrates on crewmember attitudes and behaviours and their impact on safety. CRM is an opportunity for individuals to examine their behaviours and their impact on safety. CRM is an opportunity for individuals to examine their behaviour and make individual decisions on how to improve cockpit teamwork. CRM uses the crew as the unit of training. 
What CRM Training Is Not 
It is not a “quick fix” that can be implemented overnight. It is not a training programme administered to only a few specialized or “fix-it” cases. It is not a system that occurs independently of other on-going training activities. It is not a system where crews are given a specific prescription on how to work with others on the flight deck. It is not another form of individually centered crew training. It is not a passive lecture-style classroom course. It is not an attempt by management to dictate cockpit behaviour. 

Figure 1
1.3.3  Accordingly, CRM training should include at least three distinct phases: a) an awareness phase where CRM issues are defined and discussed; b) a practice and feedback phase where trainees gain experience with CRM
techniques; and c) a continual reinforcement phase where CRM principles are addressed on a long-term basis. Each of these phases is discussed in more detail below.

2  CRM Training Phases
2.1  Awareness
2.1.1  Awareness is the essential first phase and usually comprises instructional presentations focusing on the roles of interpersonal and group factors in the maintenance of crew co-ordination. It is important because it provides a common terminology and a conceptual framework for crew members to begin thinking about crew co-ordination problems and how such factors have contributed to accidents and incidents in the past. A useful way of beginning the awareness phase might be to introduce CRM skills as they pertain to communication, situation awareness, problem solving, etc.
2.1.2  Other useful techniques might include computerized instruction, preparatory work for classroom instruction, detailed case studies of accidents and incidents looking for crew performance issues, and videotaped examples of good and poor team behaviour in the cockpit. The exposure of line and training staff to the awareness phase is a critical part of CRM training and such exposure is also beneficial in heightening awareness in an organization.
2.1.3  Awareness promotes credibility and helps in changing attitudes; however, it is important to recognize that it is only a first step. Some programmes rely almost exclusively on this aspect of training, but classroom instruction alone will probably not significantly alter crew member attitudes and behaviour in the long term.
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