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时间:2011-11-26 15:42来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空

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In February, the Committee selected a set of modules to be taught during the three days of workshops. By this time, we had established the importance of orienting the training toward a "team" concept. Therefore, we broke the three days into three general categories of targets for training: awareness, personal skills and team skills. Within these broad areas, we will teach the modules that we have ascertained will be appropriate for CRM training.
The modules to be taught are: Traditions/Bonding/Culture; Accident Analysis I and II; Communications; Leadership/Followership; Stress Management; Problem Solving/Decision Making; Work-load Management/Automation and Conflict Management. The development of these modules will be accomplished by the Committee with supervisory advice from Drs. Hackman, Helmreich and Foushee'. Committee members were assigned in pairs to each module. At this point (March 1988), we have established learning objectives for each module. In April, we will have an outline of the module, followed in May by a rough draft. In June we will finalize the workshop content (all modules). With seminars complete, we will turn our attention to LOFT.
Our airline has been using LOFT since the early 1980s, so it is not a new concept to us. However, the profiles utilized in the past will be of little value to use for the CRM training. Therefore, profiles for each LOFT session for each individual aircraft will have to be developed. At this time, we have not begun this task. It is scheduled for July. Also in July, we will begin studying the massive logistics problem which faces us.
For a large airline, the scheduling logistics of CRM are formidable. In the past, we have not trained adhering to a strict crew complement; occasionally a captain would train or check with another captain rather than with a first officer. However, one aspect of the previously mentioned inspection pointed out the need for crew complement training. Consequently, our flight training department is in the process of a change to this type of training for 1989. Therefore, it appears that our training structure should overlay nicely with normal recurrent criteria. As mentioned before, we will evaluate the logistical needs in July. The next big step is to train the people who will teach the workshops and LOFT sessions, i.e. the facilitators.
"Facilitator" is the term widely used across the CRM front to refer to the person (or persons) who guide the learning process in both the workshops and the LOFTs. The term is used because the process is truly self-learning. The leaders simply facilitate this process by keeping the group on task and functional. Our facilitator training will begin in September 1988 when they receive essentially the same training which the pilots will receive. Facilitators will be line pilots who volunteer and are judged to be emotionally and mentally capable of such a task. We anticipate the need for two facilitators in every workshop. Of course, leading up to this point, there has been a number of administrative tasks, small but important, to get us this far.
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本文链接地址:Flight Crew Training Cockpit Resource Management (CRM) and Line-Oriented Flight Training (LOFT)(26)