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时间:2011-11-26 15:42来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空

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instructional skills, and sensitivity to student needs; b) motivation of students; c) justification of CRM, CRM concepts, and the training programme itself; d) management support. No course will be effective without the clear support of both
upper and middle management; and e) professional organizations. The support of the people to be trained is essential.
3.1.5  Finally, it should be stressed that although negative behaviour patterns must be identified, the atmosphere of the training itself must be positive. For example, one may point out the potential danger that a passive crew member poses and identify the kinds of behaviour that are "passive", so that individuals can assess themselves and others. However, the CRM co-ordinators should not project a negative or evaluative tone toward the participants themselves; instead they should take a positive stance by focusing on the skills and concepts conducive to individual improvement.

4  Essential Curriculum Elements
4.1  Introduction
Curriculum elements are divided into two major areas: concepts to be understood and skills to be acquired. There is a great value in enhancing "understanding" of certain topics which pertain to the interrelationships between crew members. It is of equal importance, however, to develop "skills."
4.2  Concepts to be understood The following list of topics is not complete, nor is it intended to substitute for the conceptual learning which is an integral part of learning skills. However, the topics
constitute the "language" and awareness that enable skills to be understood and
ultimately used in an operational environment. These are the topics to understand:
a) a common language or glossary of terms;
b) the concept of synergy (a combined effect that exceeds the sum of individual

effects); c) the need for individual commitment to CRM principles; d) guidelines for continued self-improvement (continuation training); e) individual attitudes and behaviour and how they affect the team effort; f) complacency and its effect on team efforts;
g) fitness to fly: the concept that each individual is responsible to arrive at work "fit to fly" and the ramifications and refinements of this concept;
h) the impact of environment, such as company policy and culture, air traffic control, aircraft type, etc.;
i)  resources available: identification and use;
j)  identification and assignment of priorities;
k) human components and behavioural characteristics: awareness of the human being as a composite of many complex characteristics, often not controllable. Each crew member must be aware of these characteristics in order to adjust his or her own actions and behaviour;
l)  interpersonal relationships and their effect on team work: the way in which crew members approach, or respond to each other has a critical effect on team-building and team results;
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本文链接地址:Flight Crew Training Cockpit Resource Management (CRM) and Line-Oriented Flight Training (LOFT)(10)