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时间:2011-11-26 15:42来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空

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d) performance of an objective debriefing, encouraging the use of self-critique to its maximum advantage.
4.5  Specialized training for co-ordinators. Instructors and check pilots selected to conduct LOFT exercises should receive training in the concepts and conduct of LOFT. Such training would include but not be limited to:
a) the conduct of the crew briefing and complete familiarity with all pre-flight procedures, including flight plans, weather reports, minimum equipment lists, aircraft performance data, aircraft loading procedures, etc.;
b) observation and understanding of resource management, including the crew concept and crew co-ordination;
c) the pacing and selection of items in the LOFT scenario and the introduction of abnormal and emergency procedures or situations;
d) an in-depth understanding of observational, communication, command and leadership skills, as well as related psychological aspects;
e) development of the individual's own skills in interacting appropriately with the flight crew during the briefing, the LOFT exercise and the debriefing; and
f)  training in assessment skills with appropriate guidance in specific areas such as the exercise of command responsibilities, planning, organization, interpersonal communications, problem solving, decisiveness, judgement, knowledge of aircraft systems and performance, knowledge of and compliance with aviation regulations and ATC procedures, sensitivity, leadership, assertiveness, smoothness and flying skill, work standards and crew co-ordination.
4.6  Standardization of LOFT. Standardization of LOFT will be achieved if co-ordinators are given a complete training programme at the outset, followed by periodic monitoring. Additionally, a feedback and critique programme using flight crew members is essential if such a programme is to work. Co-ordinator standardization is improved if LOFT co-ordinators monitor each other. Standardization can be more easily achieved if the LOFT co-ordinator group is small and works almost exclusively on the LOFT programme. LOFT should not be conducted by anyone other than a properly qualified co-ordinator, but the co-ordinator can perform other functions within a training department if necessary. Regular co-ordinator standardization meetings should be scheduled. During these sessions, LOFT scenarios can be assessed and re-evaluated for improvement.
4.7  Other uses of full-mission simulation. The following is a list of other uses: a) transition training or initial training; b) developing familiarity with special airports; c) format for check flights; d) remedial training; e) wind shear problems; f) accident and incident investigations; g) introduction to communications, clearances, checklist duties and route flying of
new pilots; h) evaluation of cockpit controls and flight instruments, and the assessment of human factors in the cockpit; i) first officer training, such as VFR approach and departure techniques, traffic patterns and so on; j) fuel management and assessment;
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本文链接地址:Flight Crew Training Cockpit Resource Management (CRM) and Line-Oriented Flight Training (LOFT)(35)