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时间:2011-11-26 15:42来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空

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The Steering Committee held its first meeting in November 1987. The first thing they established was a list of objectives which would guide the Committee in their endeavours. Here is a list of those objectives:
a) enhance safety through optimized team performance;
b) develop and enhance crew decision-making skills;
c) increase job satisfaction through increased decision-making efficiency, customer satisfaction and personal growth;
d) develop improved communication skills;
e) enhance group interaction skills;
f) provide for individual development;
g) provide for crew/team development;
h) modify the cockpit "shell" to optimize crew performance;
i) encourage modification of organizational support where necessary; and
j) create a mechanism to remedy problem behaviours.
Given these objectives, the first task of the Committee was to research CRM: what it is, its purpose and how it is implemented. To aid them, they used the NASA Publication 2455, regarded as the "bible" of CRM. In addition, much information was gathered on existing CRM programmes at other airlines and commercial vendors. Learning from this research that there is a small group of academic experts in the field of CRM, efforts were made to personally contact each of them to seek aid and advice concerning the subject. These men included: Dr. C. Foushee' with NASA; Dr. R. Hackman at Harvard University; Dr. R. Helmreich at the University of Texas; Dr. E. Weiner at the University of Miami and Dr. J. Lauber with the NTSB. Having researched in depth these resources, the next question became apparent: Do we buy an existing CRM programme or develop one in-house?
Weighing these alternatives and considering advice from the experts, the Committee decided that our airline would be best served by a tailor-made, next- generation programme. To this end, it was determined that we should enlist the services of some of the experts on a consultation basis to ensure our programme was up to date and of high quality. Consequently, Drs. Hackman and Helmreich were employed for this purpose. In addition, by virtue of his NASA affiliation, Dr. Foushee' would also be available to provide us with NASA-backed research. Working with these experts, the Committee was ready to get specific about the structure and contents of our programme.
In January, after laborious discussions over structure, it was determined that our optimum programme would include a two-day workshop seminar followed by a LOFT period with video feedback (low impact - 1. hours). Six months later the pilot would return for a one-day workshop followed by another LOFT with video (2. hours - medium impact). In the following year, the pilot would receive a full mission LOFT (2. hours - high impact). This was "blue-sky" to us, i.e. the very best; however, we needed to be able to mesh this training with our existing recurrent training requirements. There still exists some concern over simulator resources and the logistics of scheduling. Beyond this though, the structure had been determined, it was time for the Committee to get specific about the content of the seminars and LOFTs.
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本文链接地址:Flight Crew Training Cockpit Resource Management (CRM) and Line-Oriented Flight Training (LOFT)(25)