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时间:2011-11-26 15:42来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空

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曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者

From: Director Resource MGT/LOFT
Subject: LOFT scenario revisions
October starts the second year of annual training. For the last six months very little LOFT/PT/PC has been conducted. Since that time there have been ATC changes which affected our LOFT scenarios. We have corrected our LOFT scenarios to reflect those changes and have modified the structure slightly. The changes are listed below.
The PT/LOFT simulator period has been reversed. LOFT will follow the briefing and precede the proficiency training as we had originally requested. LOFT periods will be conducted as before with video feedback in the debriefing. The PC is the second day.

The scenarios between IAD and JFK have been modified to reflect your input along with ATC changes. We have also changed the weather from a summer to a winter operation in this sector. The FRA/LHR scenario will remain the same with ATC corrections. It will be further modified during the next few months.

 Additional problems have been added to the problem menus to give us an opportunity to exercise new dilemmas. We can always use some of your ideas to expand this list even more. Our goal is to provide the maximum potential for human factors exchange between crewmembers while keeping the blue side up.

We ask you to provide each airman with a "LOFT Survey Form" that you will pick up with the PT/PC worksheet in the records room. This will give the airman a chance to voice comments in a completely confidential manner. This form will be processed by the University of Texas in Austin under a NASA validation programme. It will help us determine the effectiveness of LOFT. Ask the airmen to deposit the completed surveys in the "LOFT Survey Box" located in the service center.

We can't stress enough how important each of your observations are during the LOFT part of the period. The debrief supported by the video feedback provides each crewmember with an opportunity for self-critique as an individual airman and more importantly as a team member. Please adhere as closely as possible to the scenarios you select and note the time of those interpersonal exchanges during the LOFT period for debrief in conjunction with the video feedback. Your realistic presentation of this simulated activity is a key to the success of the LOFT programme.
We would like to think that the material we have presented is error-free. In reality we know better, given our limited clerical capabilities. We need your help to proof this material. Please return any portion of the new (and old) material that needs correction. Utilize the hard copy for your correction. It will be easier to find on the computer disk. The quicker we correct these errors the easier it will be to convince our airmen that there is no "gotcha" in the paperwork. We will attempt to correct the material as soon as possible.
The "LOFT Co-ordinators" on each aircraft will be responsible for the paperwork supply that is required for the airmens' LOFT. Make sure that a reasonable supply is available in each briefing room. The B-727 will need both the U.S. and the European scenarios for the 235 and the 2D4 simulators. We will make the initial distribution.
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本文链接地址:Flight Crew Training Cockpit Resource Management (CRM) and Line-Oriented Flight Training (LOFT)(39)