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时间:2011-11-26 15:42来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空

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Selection of flight crew training staff
Selection is carried out according to the following guidelines:



ability to mix with people


instructional capability


experience on type

Most of these items are self-explanatory. As far as the last one is concerned, captains with previous experience as instructors may be selected again after six months' experience on a new type, in all other cases a twelve-month period of line experience is preferably required.

Qantas Airways
In its reply this operator, with an accident-free record, stated:
Qantas Airways' Flight Training Department has been very aware of the problems associated with deficient cockpit resource management for many years, and have also noted the rising trends in human factors-related accidents in the world's airlines.
We are currently working towards the introduction of a formal CRM training course. The rationale behind the introduction of CRM training in Qantas and the general plans for the future are provided below. As you will see, we are not yet in a position to evaluate any results.
The importance of effective cockpit resource management has always been stressed in programmes for promotion of second officer to first officer and from first officer to command. During the 1970s, a period of very slow promotion and very low levels of recruiting, the approach taken to this subject was generally to analyse reported accidents, decide whether the potential existed for a similar accident in Qantas and give the necessary training or instruction to crews. The company's accident-free record and the high levels of experience of all cockpit crew members (in 1980 a minimum of ten years for second officers, the third pilot), suggested that these measures were sufficient.
Extensive recruiting of minimum experience pilots in the early 1980s, along with sudden rapid promotion within the company, considerably diluted the experience levels in Qantas. This was a source of some concern within the company and, it is believed, was an important factor in producing increasing numbers of economic incidents which, although they raised no immediate safety worries, were costly and, upon analysis, amounted to a breakdown in efficient cockpit resource management.
The commercial pressures of the time also created another source of concern within the flight training organization. During times of slow promotion, the supply of candidates for command in Qantas far exceeded the demand and those who were not natural leaders and could not quickly acquire and demonstrate the necessary leadership skills were simply not promoted to command.
The rapid expansion of the early 1980s however forced the company into the situation where it had to accept something less than inherent perfection in management skills and it became apparent that more extensive management training for captains was an urgent necessity.
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本文链接地址:Flight Crew Training Cockpit Resource Management (CRM) and Line-Oriented Flight Training (LOFT)(28)