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时间:2011-11-26 15:42来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空

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Part Three: Reinforcement
Each calendar year, Alaska Airlines will develop a three-hour block of classroom training that will reinforce one or more of the ICE concepts. In addition, each calendar year we will develop new LOFT scenarios that will further develop the crew members' ICE skills.
Each part of the ICE programme will be evaluated by Dr. Helmreich using proven measurement instruments that he has developed while conducting the NASA CRM evaluation study. The results of this study will be used to continually upgrade and improve ICE training. This method of evaluation will also "validate" ICE training, ensure that information transfer has occurred, and measure any change in crew member attitude and behaviour.
Alaska Airlines believes that ICE training will result in a significantly safer flight operation, cause crews to operate with an even higher standard of excellence and reduce operating costs through greater standardization and improved performance.

All Nippon Airways
All Nippon Airways (ANA) stated in part:
We enclose a copy of our LOFT and CRM training status.
Some parts of CRM training have just begun this year (1987). The flight operations division of our company continues studying LOFT and CRM training to take further action

American Airlines
The following briefly presents an evaluation undertaken by American Airlines of its CRM programmes and the reasons for the evaluation.
For almost a year, the American Airlines Flight Academy has been actively evaluating and improving its Cockpit Resource Management programmes. First I will mention something about the history of this effort, then something about the progress we are making in the development of a new, career-long CRM training system.
There were four distinct reasons for turning our attention towards upgrading our CRM training. First, our own analysis of recent industry accidents and incidents convinced us that we could ensure safer flights by training crew members to make better use of all their potential resources. This includes the use of the pilot himself as a resource, the use of his fellow crew members, and, finally, the use of all the external resources and systems at his disposal.
The second reason for focusing attention on CRM was the results of our "Operation Microscope". It is the policy of the American Airlines Flight Department to do intensive evaluations of our own flight operations at regular intervals using specially trained check airmen. Last fall, within a two-month period, we completed approximately 2100 line checks observing the cockpit performance of nearly 5000 crew members. Using the data collected in this effort, a series of recommendations and action steps were developed to maximize pilot and flight operations performance. Among these were several suggestions having to do with crew briefings, communication terminology, leadership, and the interface between the flight crews and other American Airlines personnel.
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本文链接地址:Flight Crew Training Cockpit Resource Management (CRM) and Line-Oriented Flight Training (LOFT)(21)