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时间:2011-11-26 15:42来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空

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3.6  With respect to evaluation and assessment, everything should be done to assure crews participating in LOFT that their jobs are not in jeopardy every time they enter the simulator for a LOFT session. While "satisfactory completion" is an inescapable aspect of LOFT, at the same time it is hard to imagine "unsatisfactory training". In some cases, LOFT may underscore areas which need extra attention, but often even serious mistakes made during LOFT are obvious and need no further attention. Note that a session which results in a "crash" may be a "satisfactorily completed" LOFT exercise, if the learning provided by the experience cannot be improved upon. However, in some cases, mistakes may indicate deficiencies that need additional work. The way that this is conveyed to a crew member is of vital importance and represents a challenge to the operators and their instructors.
3.7  During debriefing, both total crew performance and individual performances should be openly discussed and assessed by the co-ordinator. Critical assessment of an individual must be mentioned in the presence of the full crew, but remedial details should be handled separately. Tact is required to maintain the proper training atmosphere.
3.8  LOFT is, first and foremost, a learning experience. The success and acceptance of a LOFT programme depends in great measure on its planning and preparation. Scenarios must emphasize realism. Co-ordinators should be carefully selected and trained in the art of briefing, conducting the programme and debriefing.
3.9  Additional training for crew members, when indicated, must be handled in a low-key, non-threatening manner. If these factors are carefully handled, the evaluation/ assessment chore will not necessarily detract from the pure training atmosphere, and will result in full acceptance.

4  Co-ordination Training and Qualifications
4.1  Each co-ordinator should have completed a specific training course on LOFT training. Generally, co-ordinators are selected from line pilots or check pilots flying the type of aircraft on which the LOFT training is given.
4.2  Some airlines are successfully using former pilots who have extensive airline experience but who are no longer current. In this case they should receive the ground and simulator part of the type-rating training course for the applicable type of aircraft. They should also be familiar with the current line operational procedure and should regularly ride the jump seat on typical line segments to observe operating procedures.
4.3  Where LOFT training involves a crew of three, the airline should have the flexibility of conducting the LOFT training with one co-ordinator appropriately trained for all crew positions.
4.4  The role of the co-ordinator. The role of the co-ordinator should be confined to the following: a) pre-flight briefing; b) accurate conduct of a prescribed scenario in a realistic manner; c) monitoring, recording, and assessing crew performance for the debriefing; and
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本文链接地址:Flight Crew Training Cockpit Resource Management (CRM) and Line-Oriented Flight Training (LOFT)(34)