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时间:2010-05-30 00:47来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin
曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者

and instrument flight conditions.
l VFR Flight Not Recommended (VNR) - When VFR flight is proposed and the actual or forecast
conditions, surface based or aloft, in the briefer's judgment, make visual flight doubtful.
Remember, the final go/no-go decision always belongs to the pilot.
l Synopsis - A brief statement describing the type, location, and movement of weather systems
affecting the flight.
l Current Conditions - A summary of the current weather along the proposed route. The current
weather is omitted when the estimated time of departure is more than two hours from the time of
the briefing, unless requested by the pilot.
l Enroute Forecast - Summarized from various sources, to provide forecast conditions along the
proposed route of flight.
l Destination Forecast - A destination forecast including significant changes one hour before and
after the estimated time of arrival.
l Winds Aloft Forecast - Available at 3,000; 6,000; 9,000; 12,000; 18,000; 24,000; 30,000; 34,000
and 39,000 feet.
l Notices to Airmen - NOTAM D, NOTAM L, and non-published FDC NOTAMS.
l ATC Delays - Information on known ATC delays (IFR only). Information on military training
activity and published NOTAMS are provided upon request.
View the National Weather Bureau's Standard Briefing Page. Caution: this is to be used for general
information purposes only. You should get a formal pre-flight briefing from the FFS station in your
area prior to your flight.
Request an Abbreviated Briefing to supplement or update previously received information. Here are
three examples of situations where an Abbreviated Briefing will work to your advantage:
l You received a Standard Briefing earlier in the day. An Abbreviated Briefing could be requested
for those items that have changed, such as current weather or updated forecasts. The briefer will
need the background information and the time of the earlier briefing.
l When you want only one or two items, request an Abbreviated Briefing and state the specific
aviation weather products you need. "This is N12345, I would like an Abbreviated Briefing, the
current and forecast weather at Bakersfield." Remember to provide the briefer with enough
information to complete your request. In this example, Estimated Time of Arrival at Bakersfield
would be required.
The important point about an Abbreviated Briefing is what it does not do: it does not provide a complete
weather picture of the route of flight. It should never be used as a shortcut for a standard briefing. An
Abbreviated Briefing can save time if you have already received a Standard Briefing.
When the Estimated Time of Departure is more than six hours away, request an Outlook Briefing. After
receiving the background information, the briefer will provide forecast data applicable to the proposed
Preflight Services
http://www.uncletom2000.com/gs/prefltbf.htm (2 of 3) [1/23/2003 11:19:17 AM]
If any portion of a briefing is unclear to you, stop the briefer and get the point clarified. Save your
general questions until the end of the briefing.
Preflight Services
http://www.uncletom2000.com/gs/prefltbf.htm (3 of 3) [1/23/2003 11:19:17 AM]
Other Aviation Sources
l  A  viation Servers Harvard
l  T he NASA Homepage
l  F AA Home Page
l  F AA Technical Center
l  M  isc Aviation Misc Aviation Links
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Other Weather Sources
l  O  hio State U. Atmospheric Science Program
l  N  CAR National Center for Atmospheric Research.
l  M  ichigan State U. Actual Weather Images
l  I ndiana U. Actual Weather Images
l  W  eather Channel Actual Weather Images
l  U  SA Today Weather Good Educational Stuff Also
l  U  . North Carolina Weather Page
l  I ntellicast Weather Search
l  U  . North Carolina at Charlotte East Coast Weather
l  C  NN WX Global Images
l  H  ow the weather works Good Educational Material.
l  W  eather Images.
l  P  urdueWeather Dept WX Images and Maps
l  U  . MichiganOver 300 Weather Locations
http://www.uncletom2000.com/gs/wx.htm [1/23/2003 11:19:19 AM]

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