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时间:2010-05-30 00:47来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin
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Flight Planning
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Filling out the Planning Log
Heading Information
l Obtain Winds aloft data from pre-flight briefing by a Flight Service Station for the expected flight time.
l Consult the Pilot Operating Handbook for estimated Fuel consumption and TAS figures.
l If you know fuel amount on board, calculate flight duration from the POH.
Winds Aloft
Winds aloft are forecast by the Weather Bureau for numerous regions in the U.S. At the levels at which small
aircraft fly, the forecasts will give wind direction and velocity in Kts. for 3, 9, and 12 thousand feet. You use the
wind forecast nearest the altitude which you plan to fly to calculate whe wind drift you expect to encounter. This
calculation also derives an estimated Ground Speed which you will use in further calculations. The Wind
Correction Calculations are covered later.
True Airspeed and Fuel Consumption
Consult the Pilot Operating Handbook for the aircraft to be flown to determine the power setting you plan to use
at the planned flight altitude. See -- Cruise Performance for an example table. From the cruise performance table
for the aircraft you should be able to derive estimated TAS and Fuel Consumption in gph. You will later use this
TAS to calculate both the estimated WCA and Ground Speed. You will use the fuel consumption figure (gph) to
calculate the estimated fuel consumption for each leg.
Course Planning Information
Identify each checkpoint on the chart in some way. It may be a number, an airport name, a VOR name, or city,
etc. Write the identification of the each checkpoint in the CHK PT column of the log. Note that the checkpoint
lines are not aligned with the other lines in the blank log form shown above.
In our example, our checkpoints are:
Flight Planning
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Measure the distance as shown in Measuring the distance . Enter the distance in Nautical Miles (preferred) in the
DIST column for each leg.
True Course
Using the plotter, measure the TC for each leg, using the example in - Measuring the course example. True
Course is always measured in relation to a Longitude Line on the chart ( i.e. relative to True North). Enter the TC
for each leg in the TC Column.
Compentating for Wind
In order to keep being blown "off course" by the wind, you probably will have to maintain a heading to either left
or right of course to stay on track(TC). This requires that you calculate a Wind Correction Angle (WCA) in order
to stay on track.
You can use a manual or electronic E6B Flight computer to compute the WCA. Obviously, when you are riding
in a moving air mass, the wind will tend to drift you "Off Course" from your intended ground track.
A Graphical Illustration of WCA
Shown below is a graphical illustration of calculating WCA.
Flight Planning
You want to fly a True Course (TC) of 360°. The wind is from 290° at 20
Kts. Obviously the aircraft will drift right and off course unless a correction
is made. The problem can be solved graphically. On paper, draw a TC line at
360°. Draw a wind vector to some scale (line B-A) at 290° and 20kts
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Flight Planning
according to your scale. Draw a TAS line to the same scale from point B to
intersect the TC line at point C. In this example TAS = 100 kts. You have
now constructed a Wind Triangle. The Wind Correction Angle (WCA) is the
angle between line B-C and A-C. In this example it is 10° L. The Ground
Speed is line A-C, which measures 90 Kts.
It is obvious from this triangle, you have a 10 knot headwind, and must steer a heading 10° to the Left. Therefore
to convert your True Course (TC) over the ground to a True Heading (TH) to which to steer, you:
TH = TC + WCA TH = 360° + (- 10°) = 350°
Treat R WCA as plus Treat L WCA as minus
Normally the pilot will use eithae a manual or electronic E6B Flight Computer to solve WCA problems. Consult
your E6B computer manual for problem solution methods.
WCA for the Example Flight
The example flight from SVH, LEX, 3N8, SVH is shown below. The wind aloft for this problem is 270 degrees
true at 35 knots.On your planning chart, add and subtract the WCA's to the TC's to fill out the TH column.
True Course,
True Headings
088 01 L 087
220 15 R 235
332 17 L 315
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