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时间:2010-05-30 00:47来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin
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The rate of climb is 610 at 5000 feet pressure altitude and standard temperature of 41° F. Since the
temperature is 20° F higher that the standard 41°, subtract 40 feet per minute from the 610, to get a rate
of climb = 610 - 40 = 570 ft/min.
Climb performance depends on the aircraft’s reserve power or thrust. Reserve power is the available
power above that required to maintain level flight at a given airspeed. If an aircraft requires only 120
horsepower for a given cruise, and the engine is capable of delivering 180 hp., then the reserve
horsepower available for climb is 60 hp.
Two airspeeds are important to the climb performance. These are:
Vx Best Angle of Climb
Vy Best Rate of Climb
These V-speeds are defined in the POH. The Best Angle of Climb produces the greatest altitude in a
given distance. The principal use of Best Angle of Climb is for clearing obstacles on take-off. The Best
Rate of Climb produces the greatest altitude over a given period of time. It is predominately used as
climb to cruise altitude.
Many of the same factors that affect take-off and cruise performance also affect climb performance.
Adverse effects:
· Higher than Standard Temperature
Aircraft Performance
http://www.uncletom2000.com/gs/perf.htm (8 of 12) [1/23/2003 11:18:59 AM]
· High Humidity
· Lower than Standard Pressure
· Heavy Weight
Heavy weight requires a higher angle of attack to develop adequate lift. The increased drag results in
poorer climb performance. It takes longer to attain cruise altitude and requires the engine to develop full
power for a longer period of time.
Consult the POH for Climb Performance data for the aircraft to be flown.
Cruise Performance
The cruise performance can be specified two ways.
· Maximum Range
· Maximum Endurance
Maximum Range is the distance that an aircraft can fly at a given power setting. is requires maximum
speed versus fuel flow. Maximum Duration is the maximum time the aircraft can fly. This requires that
the flight condition must provide for a minimum of fuel flow.
2500 2600 81 136 9.3 3.9 524
2500 2500 73 129 8.3 4.3 555
2500 2400 65 122 7.5 4.8 586
2500 2300 56 115 6.6 5.4 617
2500 2200 52 108 6.0 6.0 645
4500 2600 77 135 8.8 4.0 539
4500 2500 69 129 7.9 4.5 572
4500 2400 62 121 7.1 5.0 601
4500 2300 56 113 6.4 5.5 628
4500 2200 51 106 5.7 6.1 646
6500 2700 81 140 9.3 3.8 530
6500 2600 73 134 8.3 4.2 559
6500 2500 66 126 7.5 4.7 587
6500 2400 60 119 6.8 5.2 611
6500 2300 54 112 6.1 5.7 632
Aircraft Performance
http://www.uncletom2000.com/gs/perf.htm (9 of 12) [1/23/2003 11:18:59 AM]
8500 2700 77 139 8.8 4.0 547
8500 2600 70 132 7.9 4.4 575
8500 2500 63 125 7.2 4.9 599
8500 2400 57 118 6.5 5.3 620
8500 2300 52 109 5.9 5.8 635
10500 2700 73 138 8.3 4.2 569
10500 2600 66 130 7.6 4.6 590
10500 2500 60 122 6.9 5.0 610
10500 2400 55 115 6.3 5.4 625
10500 2300 50 106 5.7 5.9 631
Crosswind Performance
Takeoffs and landings under significant cross wind conditions can be dangerous and should be avoided.
Crosswinds can be so strong that the sideways drift cannot be sufficiently overcome by using a “side slip
” into the wind to compensate for the wind drift. Excessive side load on the landing gear can cause gear
failure or an upset aircraft.
Aircraft Performance
The Maximum Crosswind Component for the aircraft will be listed in the
http://www.uncletom2000.com/gs/perf.htm (10 of 12) [1/23/2003 11:18:59 AM]
Aircraft Performance
POH. The maximum crosswind is usually
about 20% of the landing configuration stall
speed. The diagram above can be used to
calculate the headwind and crosswind
components. For most light aircraft, the
maximum tested crosswind component is in
the 12 to 15 knot range. In the chart, the
numbers around the periphery of the chart
mark the degrees difference between the
wind and the runway heading (magenta
lines). The radial lines are are in 5°
increments with numbers on each 10° line.
For example, with a wind of 150° at 30 kt
and landing on runway 12 (120°), the
degrees of crosswind will be 150° - 120° =
30°. Locate the 30° radial line out from the
lower left of the graph. This is the
differential between the wind direction and
thr runway heading. Follow the 30° radial
line (magenta) to the 30kt wind arc (blue). A
vertical line (blue) from this intersection will
be the cross-wind component of 15 kts. This
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